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103348 While Stern's design made explicit links to the past, at the University of Miami, Léon Krier designed an octagonal lecture hall that has no immediate precedent yet appears distinctly classical, although it does not slavishly follow stylistic conventions. 斯特恩的设计与过去有着明确的联系,而在迈阿密大学,列昂•克里尔却设计了一个没有先例的八角形的演讲厅——豪尔赫•M.佩雷斯建筑中心(Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center)。
103349 While Sullivan designed organic decorations akin to European Art Nouveau, Burnham favored historical models; for example, his and John Root's Masonic Temple Building in Chicago, once the tallest in the world, was topped by a vaguely Tudor pitched roof, while their Rookery Building includes Byzantine, Venetian, and Romanesque motifs. 拿伯纳姆和约翰•鲁特(John Root)共同设计的芝加哥共济会大厦(Masonic Temple Building)举个例子,它曾经是世界上最高的建筑,建筑中最高的塔楼很明显是都铎王朝时期的坡屋顶。但是他们共同设计的卢克丽大厦(Rookery Building)却又包含了拜占庭、威尼斯和罗马式的装饰图案。
103350 While a Renzo Piano building sometimes looks as if the detail came first and the rest of the building followed, in a Frank Gehry building it is the big idea, expressed in his first rough sketches, that drives the design. 伦佐•皮亚诺的建筑有时候看上去好像是先有了细节,然后才有了剩余的部分,而弗兰克•盖里的建筑则是先有一个整体的想法,然后通过最初的草图表达出来,并带动整个设计。
103351 While a common reaction to seeing a thing of beauty is to want to buy it, our real desire may be not so much to own what we find beautiful as to lay permanent claim to the inner qualities it embodies. 虽说看到一样美丽事物自然的反应就是想买下它,我们真正想的可能并非拥有我们觉得美丽的东西,而是想永久占有它所代表的那些内在品质。
103352 While a country has few roads and a relatively low standard of living there is little demand for motor transport and no real traffic problem. 如果一个国家拥有很少的道路和相对较低的生活水平,那么他们就几乎没有汽车运输的需求,更谈不上真正的交通问题。
103353 While a designer may assume that all concrete is exactly the same in a building, the variations in material properties, manufacturing, handling, pouring, and temperature during setting insure that concrete is actually heterogeneous in quality. 虽然通过电子邮件和传真可以很方便地得到公司总部的指导和帮助,但很多决定都 要在现场做出。
103354 While all the style names and sobriquets are retained in the Chinese text, they are replaced with formal names in the English text as per a sinology stylebook, but we make a point of attaching the style name or sobriquet where a formal name is annotated in a footnote. 文中人物都以字号称呼,在英文里则一律替换为正名,并于注释内附上相关字号。
103355 While an attractive building may on occasion flatter an ascending mood, there will be times when the most congenial of locations will be unable to dislodge our sadness or misanthropy. 一幢迷人的房子有时可能会使昂扬的情绪更上层楼,可在很多情况下哪怕是最宜人的环境也无法驱散我们的悲伤或厌世。
103356 While attitudes in the City of London were slowly changing, the knee-jerk heritage lobby had found a champion in a representative of an even older British institution. 尽管伦敦城的态度正在慢慢改变,但那些过度敏感的文物保护游说团体却在一个更加古老的英国机构里找到了一张王牌。
103357 While being aware of the crucial need to cater to the public and to rethink the visitor experience, Van der Kemp also borrowed from de Nolhac's happy formula of seeking philanthropic support for the institution. 在意识到存在对迎合公众和重新考虑游客体验的迫切需求的同时,范o德o肯普还借鉴了德o诺拉克的幸福公式,为博物馆寻求慈善资助。"