ID |
原文 |
译文 |
103318 |
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? |
你喜欢什么,咖啡还是茶? |
103319 |
Which earlier buildings of the Western tradition does Jefferson's Monticello call to mind? |
杰斐逊的蒙蒂塞罗能够让人想起西方传统中的哪些早期建筑呢? |
103320 |
Which feeling or content is proper for which genre is predetermined. Short lyrics should never be lengthened into slow-tempered, drawn-out ballad. |
文体不能混杂,诗词歌赋各据不同情感而成之,决不能以小令引慢为长歌,何种感情,何种内容,成何种文体,皆有其独立性。 |
103321 |
Which is a pretty good description of the Bush presidential library. |
这也是对小布什总统中心相当好的描述。 |
103322 |
Which is this water… |
水就从这个… |
103323 |
Which method of procurement, which type of contract, and which form of contract then become more complex questions. |
因此,采用哪种采购方式,哪种合同类型以及哪种合同形式变成更为复杂的问题。 |
103324 |
Which of these is the real meaning? |
这些意义之中哪一个才是施罗德住宅的真实意义呢? |
103325 |
Which problems shall we discuss today? |
我们今天讨论哪些问题? |
103326 |
Which would win out? |
哪一方会胜出? |
103327 |
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, |
他仍然活着,在那些冰冷之物上留下痕迹, |