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103298 Whether the project is an electric generating station, pipeline system, chemical plant, office building, or manufacturing facility, these organizations perform various activities, undertaken for consideration (money) from the owner, and are assigned various duties and responsibilities as well as fights. 无论是发电站、管线系统、化工厂、办公楼,或者生产设备项目,这些组织实施各种不同的活动,并且被分配了各种不同的义务、职责以及权利,由业主支付相应费用(资金)。
103299 Whether the story is true or not, it is certain that the dome remained an object of contention. Brunelleschi's task was certainly not made easy. 无论这个故事真实与否,有一点我们是可以肯定的:教堂的穹顶部分依然是人们争论的焦点,布鲁内列斯基显然任重而道远。
103300 Whether the world is ready for yet another ism before the sun has set on the last one is a moot point, but the newcomer has retained many of the ideas which informed its predecessor, including the need for the design disciplines to respond to the scale of the ecological crisis which confronts us all. 在上一个太阳落山之前,世界是否已准备好迎接另一个主义,这是一个有待讨论的问题,但新来者保留了其前身所赋予的许多理念,包括人们需要设计类学科来应对所有人面临的大范围生态危机。
103301 Whether there is anything remaining which can be called 'first nature' is a contentious point. 至于这里面是否有可以被称作"第一自然"的部分,目前仍存在着争议。
103302 Whether there will be anything left of the T'ang building after the war is highly questionable. 战后该唐代建筑还能剩下什么是很成问题的。
103303 Whether these houses were meant for the deceased to live in the other world or not is uncertain, but outwardly they are fairly good representations of the domestic architecture of its period. 这些住宅是否原本是为死者准备的在阴间的生活之处虽然难以肯定,但是从外观上,它们却是该时代居住建筑的极好表现。
103304 Whether this is true or not, the mercury was enough to kill him. 无论真假,汞就足以令其毙命。
103305 Whether this theorem is valid or not, there is little doubt that the more people have to work together, the more time will be spent on "interacting" rather than on work and accomplishment. 这种管理幅度原则是否合理,我们暂且不论,但至少我们可以想到:一起工作的人数越多,工作者用于彼此协调关系的时间肯定越多,而真正用于工作的时间就越少了。
103306 Whether this was a standard menu for all emperors or reflected Qianlong's personal taste is uncertain, though the latter seems more likely the case. 无法确定这是所有清朝皇帝的标准菜单或是只反映乾隆个人的口味,但后者似乎更接近事实。
103307 Whether this was a standard menu for all emperors or reflected Qianlong’s personal taste is uncertain, though the latter seems more likely the case. 无法确定这是所有清朝皇帝的标准菜单或是只反映乾隆个人的口味,但后者似乎更接近事实。