ID 原文 译文
103288 Whether large or small, good public space is human in scale; the vast plazas beloved by dictators are designed for tanks and military parades, not civilised human interaction. 无论大小,良好的公共空间是以人为尺度的。
103289 Whether medieval or not, Dr. Rababe’h believes the square slots had nothing to do with the construction of the Khazneh. 不管凹槽是不是中世纪时期添加的,拉巴巴博士认为这些方形凹槽跟卡兹尼宫殿的建成没有关系。
103290 Whether or not he meant to bring a permanent halt to expansion or just give the empire a period of rest and recovery, further conquest became rare. 无论他是真的打算永久停止对外扩张,还是仅仅想给帝国一段休养生息的时间,之后的罗马帝国确实没怎么再征战。
103291 Whether or not such work splitting is possible or economical depends upon the nature of the activity. 如果初步的努力还是无法辨认清楚.那就最好把它当成一个独立的项目。
103292 Whether or not this assumption is correct, a decision was then made that the number of troops serving near the Wall was to be drastically increased by the addition of forts actually on the curtain wall, each designed to hold a complete auxiliary unit. 无论这种推测正确与否,之后皇帝又做了新决定,直接在护墙上增设要塞,且每座都足以容纳一整支辅助部队。如此一来,长城附近驻军人数激增。
103293 Whether the Incas intended this or not, it’s a perfect solution to earthquake stability… 文斯·李:不知道印加人是否有意而为之,这是对付地震的绝佳办法。
103294 Whether the building is a send-up is debatable, but the skin is hardly shallow: the columns are clad in six inches of stone, and some of the ornate moldings and profiles are ten inches thick. 无论这建筑是不是讽刺,它的表皮却一点都不浅陋。柱子被15厘米厚的石头包裹,有些具有华丽装饰和外形的竟有25厘米厚。
103295 Whether the change looks gradual or abrupt may depend on how far we are from the event. 这种变化是渐进的,还是突变的,这可能取决于我们距离变化发生的时间有多久。
103296 Whether the dinner honored an employee retiring after fifty years of service, or the governor of one of the states in which the company did business, the chief executive officer had to be there. Ceremony is one of his tasks. 不管是欢送服务满50年的老同事退休,还是宴请与公司有往来的政府官员,总经理都需要出席,参加这种会见是他的一项任务。
103297 Whether the educated or the popular taste gains the upper hand in a given situation has more to do with cultural politics than it does with right and wrong. 在特定情形下,无论是经过培养的审美鉴赏力占了上风,还是大众化的欣赏趣味占了上风,这都不是谁对谁错的问题,而是与文化政治的关系更大。