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103278 Whether in the form of sculpture or carpets, mosaics or pottery, whether in the work of a basket weaver from Wewak or that of a painter from New York, abstract art aspired to create a tranquil atmosphere marked by flat, repetitive visual planes, the whole being free of any allusion to the living world. 不论是以何种艺术样式出现:雕塑或地毯也好,镶嵌工艺或陶艺也好,不论是韦瓦克篮筐编制匠还是纽约画家的作品,抽象艺术均有志于创造一种以单调、重复的视觉平面为特征的平静气氛,对现实的世界没有任何指涉。
103279 Whether in verse or in prose, it has a poetic effect, which is also an effect of vocal poetry. 不论在诗歌还是在散文中,它都有进行着诗的行动,有声诗歌的行动。
103280 Whether it be a flower hedge or a stone railing, uppermost on our minds is how the West Lake can be ameliorated in the ongoing reconstruction drive, an issue that invariably brings into focus the landscaping style of the gardens on and around the West Lake and calls for contention among a hundred schools of thought. 花篱也罢,石阑也罢,我们今天要推敲的是到底今后西湖在建设中应如何变得更理想,这就牵涉到西湖园林风格问题,这问题我相信大家一定可以“争鸣”一下。
103281 Whether it be on wood or on stone, or, as will naturally be supposed, on plaster, does not matter. 不论是画在木料还是石头上,或者像人们自然而然会设想的那样,在灰泥上,都没有关系。
103282 Whether it be the plans, sections or facades, the architecture's simplicity is in fact only skin deep; behind its outer clothing lie discrepancies, ambiguities and contradictions that underscore the richness and complexity of the architectural language. 不论是平面、剖面还是立面,这一建筑的简单性仅仅存在于表皮;而存在于其表皮之下的差异性、模糊性和矛盾性,强调了他所使用的建筑语言的丰富性与复杂性。
103283 Whether it is Zuccotti Park in New York, Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Taksim or Tahrir, public spaces are where people can come together to debate, to demonstrate, to demand change. 无论是纽约的祖科蒂公园,还是塔克西姆广场或开罗解放广场,公共空间是人们聚在一起讨论、展示、要求改变的地方。
103284 Whether it is the painted stucco of the Villa Savoye, the veined white marble of the Folger Library, the bronze and glass of the Seagram Building, or the matte-gray stainless steel of the Yale Center for British Art, it is the skin that makes the first impression. 无论是萨伏伊别墅用灰泥粉刷的墙体,还是福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆纹理清晰的白色大理石,或是西格拉姆大厦的青铜和玻璃,再或者是耶鲁大学英国艺术中心的亚光灰的不锈钢,建筑的表皮才是它们留给人们的第一印象。
103285 Whether it is viewed from the west, as it perches perilously high over the river Wear, or from its interior with its simple, breathtakingly beautiful columns the cathedral is awe-inspiring. 无论是从西面看起来,它高高地耸立在危险的威尔河上,还是从它的内部,有着简单却美得令人窒息的圆柱,达勒姆大教堂是叹为观止的。
103286 Whether it's the way we see, without really knowing that we see, how lines arrange into patterns on a wall, or non-consciously register the height or shape of a ceiling, or respond without realizing it to the quality and intensity of light in a room; whether our intuitive sense of gravity has been tamed or tempted, how we imagine feeling the coldness of a stone floor-a person's sense of emotional well-being, her social interactions, and even her physical health are all affected by the places she inhabits, in ways large and small. 无论我们是无意识地看到线条如何在墙上排布,还是无意识地记住天花板的高度或形状,抑或是无意识地对房间光线的质量和强度做出反应;无论我们是凭直觉预测物体在重力作用下的表现,还是下意识地在心理上模拟触摸石板地面时的冰凉感受--我们的情绪状况、社交活动甚至身体健康都或多或少受我们栖息地的影响。
103287 Whether it's when we listen to a piece of music or look at a painting or walk through a building or landscape that slowly reveals the nature of its order, recognizing patterned organization rewards us with a little jolt of the opioids in the area of our brain associated with our "liking" system. 无论我们是听一段音乐、看一幅画,还是穿过一个建筑或景观,当这段音乐、这幅画、这个建筑或景观慢慢地显示出秩序,与"喜欢"有关的脑区都会分泌一点点阿片样物。