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103268 Wherever you can rest, there decorate; where rest is forbidden, so is beauty. 凡是你休息的地方,就在那里进行装饰;凡是禁止休息的地方,美也被禁止。
103269 Whether Ruskin approved or not, the Gothic revival was now in full spate, and the results couldn't have been more different from the Greek revivalism movement of a few decades earlier. 无论拉斯金承认与否,哥特复兴在当时进入高潮时期,而且结果和几十年前的希腊复兴主义运动截然不同。
103270 Whether Vail saw the problem in its full breadth, the record does not show. 费尔做这项大决策时,他本人是否已看了这个问题,现已无法查证。
103271 Whether Wood was mocking the determination of the owners to have this fanciful, upwardly-mobile ornamentation or honouring it, the 'American Gothic House' is now a tourist attraction where people come to be photographed with their own pitchfork and aprons, along with the sternest expression they can manage. 无论伍德是对房屋所有者想要拥有这种奇特的追随上层社会的装饰的决心表示嘲笑还是推崇已不重要。如今,这座“美国哥特式房屋”俨然成为游览胜地,到此的人们都会手握干草叉,系上围裙,配上自己最严厉的表情与之合照。
103272 Whether entering or leaving the garden, everyone was subject to a thorough inspection, conducted usually by eunuchs. 每一个人进出圆明园都要接受彻底的搜查,这通常由太监来执行。
103273 Whether for reasons of evolutionary adaptation or pragmatism, people gravitate toward "prospect and refuge" landscapes. They seek them out in real life, and they like them even once removed, in landscape paintings by J. 不管是由于进化适应还是由于实用主义,反正人们趋向于".望+庇护"模式的景观。
103274 Whether going to the north from the hinterland of the Central Plains along the area lying to the east foot of Taihang Mountains or going to south from the Mongolian Plateau and Northeast China Plain, people had to cross Lugou, 无论是从中原腹地沿太行山东麓北上,还是从蒙古高原、东北平原南下,都需要渡过卢沟,
103275 Whether he is designing in a specific historical style or pursuing a personal vision, an architect is obliged to be consistent, not simply when it comes to individual details—as we have seen with balustrades—but throughout. 无论是设计特定的历史风格,还是追求个人独特的视角,建筑师都必须保持一致性。这种一致性不仅要体现在单独的细节中(像我之前列举的楼梯栏杆等),而且要自始至终地贯穿整栋建筑。
103276 Whether he works in a business or in a hospital, in a government agency or in a labor union, in a university or in the army, the executive is, first of all, expected to get the right things done. 身为管理者,不管是企业主管、医院主管、政府机构主管、工会主管、学校主管,还是军事机构主管,首先必须要按时做完该做的事情。
103277 Whether his strategy will work out, it is too early to say - it was only perfected in 1965, shortly before he retired. 在这种制度下,病人看病,医生开处方,而费用则由政府、非营利性医院及社会福利机构(例如美国的蓝十字会)负担。他这项新的策略,制定于1965年他退休前不久。