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103258 |
Wherever the Employer is the insuring Party, each insurance shall be effected with insurers and in terms consistent with the details annexed to the Particular Conditions. |
当雇主作为保险方时,他应按照专用条件后所附详细说明的承保人及条件办理保险。 |
103259 |
Wherever the men who commanded the fort came from, they clearly expected to live in the style of an Italian gentleman, just as their predecessors had done. |
无论要塞将领出身何地,他们显然都希望能像前人那样过上意大利绅士的生活。 |
103260 |
Wherever the view within your sight is vulgar, block it off, but where it is beautiful, take advantage of it; never mind if it is just empty fields around farm houses, make use of it all as a misty background. |
“萧寺可以卜邻,梵音到耳;远峰偏宜借景,秀色堪餐。” |
103261 |
Wherever there are buildings there is life, and wherever there is life there are people. When people are associated with sceneries, their feelings interflow with what meets their eyes. |
这些景物中有建筑,有了建筑必有生活,有生活必有人,人与景联系起来,所谓情景交融。 |
103262 |
Wherever there are human footmarks, there are bridges. |
凡是人迹所至之处,就会有桥梁。 |
103263 |
Wherever these Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be: |
在合同条件中,无论何处述及发出或颁发批准、证书、同意、决定、通知和要求,这些通讯联络均应: |
103264 |
Wherever these Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be: |
本条件不论在何种场合规定给予或颁发批准、证明、同意、确定、通知和请求时,这些通信信息都应: |
103265 |
Wherever this occurred, the causeways across the ditch were removed or blocked. |
壕沟上的堤道也都被移除或封断了。 |
103266 |
Wherever we find ourselves in the Holocaust Memorial's ocean of dolmens, axes appear, graciously indicating exit routes, inviting us to explore yet another avenue. |
无论我们处于茫茫碑群的什么位置,都能看见这些轴,它们亲切地指明出口路线,邀请我们去探索另一大道。我们从来没有阴森恐怖的感觉,也从来没有被围困的感觉。 |
103267 |
Wherever we live and whenever we have lived, people learn and have assimilated a large pool of basic, schematic metaphorical concepts, and they do so in the same developmental sequence. |
无论活在哪个地方、哪个时代,我们都会学习并吸收大量的基本隐喻图式,而且是以同样的顺序学习并吸收的。 |