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103238 |
Whereas in the presence of his mother he is nothing but "a little man in Brobdingnag's country," at school, little "Arthur imagines that he is Gulliver among the Lilliputians." And C. |
在他母亲身边,他不过是"大人国里的一个小不点",而一到学校,小"阿蒂尔就想象自己是小人国里的格列佛"。 |
103239 |
Whereas scientists once thought that the brain contained some kind of discrete storage facility for long-term memories, we now know this to be false. |
科学家曾经认为大脑有专门的长期记忆储存区,我们现在知道事实并非如此。 |
103240 |
Whereas some parts of the chapel issue from formal detailed research, others such as the towers seem to have been created almost spontaneously, since they already formed part of a repertoire, as proved by the very first sketches made on the site. |
尽管教堂的某些部分是由形式上的详细研究而产生,但是其他部分譬如塔楼似乎是自发创造出来的,因为它们己经自成一体,这已经从那些在基址上画的初始草图中得到了证明。 |
103241 |
Whereas some varieties have broad enough shoulders but look disgruntled at having been asked to carry even a single storey, others hoist up ceilings as high as those of cathedrals without apparent strain, balancing massive weights on their narrow necks as if they were holding aloft a canopy made of linen. |
然而也有些虽肩宽背厚却看似很不高兴只撑着一层楼房的柱子,另外则有些似乎浑不费力就撑起大教堂那么高的天花板的柱子,将巨大的重量平衡分散在它们纤瘦的脖颈上,只仿佛托着的是亚麻布做的顶棚。 |
103242 |
Whereas the Employer and the Contractor have entered into the Contract and desire jointly to appoint the Member to act as one of the three persons who are jointly called the "DAB" [and desire the Member to act as chairman of the DAB]. |
鉴于雇主和承包商已经签订了合同并且希望共同指定作为三人中的一名成员,该三人被称为“DAB”[并希望该成员担任DAB的主席] |
103243 |
Whereas the Employer and the Contractor have entered into the Contract and desire jointly to appoint the Member to act as sole adjudicator who is alsc called the "DAB". |
鉴于雇主和承包商已经签订了合同并且希望共同指定作为唯一的仲裁员的成员,或称“DAB” |
103244 |
Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as ________ should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein. |
鉴于雇主欲使承包商实施一项名为的工程,并已接受了承包商提出的承担该工程的实施、完成以及修补其任何缺陷的投标文件 |
103245 |
Whereas the bar chart is restricted in its ability to identify the complex interrelationships which exist between project activities and in its ability to indicate optimal activity timing, calculations may be made by means of the network which indicates optimal activity timing decisions⑶. |
而横道图则无法识别项目活动之间的复杂的关系,同时也没有指出影响项目寿命周期的最佳活动时间,但网络图则可以通过计算来确定最佳活动时间。 |
103246 |
Whereas, even when so sought, it consists in the mere sublimity of the rents, or fractures, or stains, or vegetation, which assimilate the architecture with the work of Nature, and bestow upon it those circumstances of color and form which are universally beloved by the eye of man. |
另一方面,即使如此寻找,这种特征也仅仅由裂缝、斑点或赘疣的崇高而构成,而裂缝、斑点或赘疣将建筑和大自然的作品同化,赋予建筑以人人喜爱的色彩和形状。 |
103247 |
Wherefore this Bond has been issued by the Principal and the Guarantor on (date) ________. |
本保函由委托人和担保人于(填入日期)_________ |