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103168 |
Where the river valley is narrow and has sound rock formations, an arch dam may be the best solution. |
若河谷狭窄,有良好的岩层,拱坝可能是最好的选择。 |
103169 |
Where the safekeeping fee was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with Article 61 hereof, the safekeeping is gratuitous. |
当事人对保管费没有约定或者约定不明确, 依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的, 保管是无偿的。 |
103170 |
Where the said unit in the preceding paragraph produces a false report, the competent department of ecology and environment under the local people's government shall impose a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 yuan but not more than RMB 50,000 yuan on the person directly in charge and other directly responsible persons; |
前款规定的单位出具虚假报告的,由地方人民政府生态环境主管部门对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款; |
103171 |
Where the secondary obligor (i. e. the obligor of the original obligor) denies that the obligor has delayed in exercising its creditor's right due to it, the secondary obligor bears the burden of proof. |
次债务人(即债务人的债务人) 不认为债务人有怠于行使其到期债权情况的, 应当承担举证责任。 |
103172 |
Where the segment in which the cargo was damaged or lost cannot be determined, the liability for damages shall be borne in accordance with this Chapter. |
货物毁损、灭失发生的运输区段不能确定的, 依照本章规定承担损害赔偿责任。 |
103173 |
Where the seller can identify neither the producer of the defective product nor the supplier thereof, the seller shall be liable for compensation. |
销售者不能指明缺陷产品的生产者也不能指明缺陷产品的供货者的, 销售者应当承担赔偿责任。 |
103174 |
Where the seller gave quality specifications for the subject matter, the subject matter delivered shall comply with the quality requirements set forth therein. |
出卖人提供有关标的物质量说明的, 交付的标的物应当符合该说明的质量要求。 |
103175 |
Where the seller knew or should have known the non-compliance of the subject matter, the buyer is not subject to the time limits for notification prescribed in the previous two paragraphs. |
出卖人知道或者应当知道提供的标的物不符合约定的, 买受人不受前两款规定的通知时间的限制。 |
103176 |
Where the service provider under a technical service contract failed to complete services in accordance with the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract by way of forgoing the remuneration, etc. |
技术服务合同的受托人未按照合同约定完成服务工作的, 应当承担免收报酬等违约责任。 |
103177 |
Where the shareholders consent to the assignment of share of capital contribution, other shareholders have the preemptive right of purchase under the same conditions. |
经股东同意转让的出资, 在同等条件下, 其他股东对该出资有优先购买权。 |