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103088 |
Where the establishment of a company is subject to examination and approval as required by the relevant national statutes or administrative regulations, examination and approval procedure must be carried out in accordance with the law prior to its registration. |
法律、行政法规对设立公司规定必须报经审批的, 在公司登记前依法办理审批手续。 |
103089 |
Where the establishment of a company must be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with law or administrative regulations or there are items in the company's business scope that must be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with law or administrative regulations, pre-approval of the company's name should be conducted before submission for examination and approval, and the examination and approval shall be submitted for in the name which has been approved by the company registration authority. |
法律、行政法规规定设立公司必须报经审批或者公司经营范围中有法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批的项目的, 应当在报送审批前办理公司名称预先核准, 并以公司登记机关核准的公司名称报送审批。 |
103090 |
Where the establishment of a limited liability company must be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with any law or administrative regulations, the registration of establishment should be applied for within 90 days from the date of approval. Where the registration of establishment is applied for beyond the time limit, the applicant should require the examination and approval authority to confirm the effect of the original approval documents, or submit for a separate approval. |
法律、行政法规规定设立有限责任公司必须报经审批的, 应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记; 逾期申请设立登记的, 申请人应当报审批机关确认原批准文件的效力或者另行报批。 |
103091 |
Where the evidence relevant to the matter under dispute is kept and controlled by the employing unit, the said unit shall provide such evidence. |
与争议事项有关的证据属于用人单位掌握管理的,用人单位应当提供; |
103092 |
Where the export prices differ significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, and therefore it is difficult to make comparison through the methods prescribed in the preceding paragraph, a comparison may be made between a weighted average normal value with prices of individual export transactions. |
出口价格在不同的购买人、地区、时期之间存在很大差异, 按照前款规定的方法难以比较的, 可以将加权平均正常价值与单一出口交易的价格进行比较。 |
103093 |
Where the former was a service to a private client, the latter often aspired to be a public service. |
在英美传统观念中,风景造园被认为是景观设计学的先驱。 |
103094 |
Where the gift is subject to obligations, and the gift property is defective, the donor has the same warranty obligations as a seller to the extent of the prescribed obligations. |
附义务的赠与, 赠与的财产有瑕疵的, 赠与人在附义务的限度内承担与出卖人相同的责任。 |
103095 |
Where the gift is subject to obligations, the donee shall perform his obligations in accordance with the contract. |
赠与附义务的, 受赠人应当按照约定履行义务。 |
103096 |
Where the hired work is not capable of being completed due to failure by the hirer to fulfill its obligation to assist, the hiree may demand performance from the hirer within a reasonable period and extend the time of its own performance; where the hirer fails to perform at the end of such period, the hiree may terminate the contract. |
定作人不履行协助义务致使承揽工作不能完成的, 承揽人可以催告定作人在合理期限内履行义务, 并可以顺延履行期限; 定作人逾期不履行的, 承揽人可以解除合同。 |
103097 |
Where the hiree delegated any ancillary task of the hired work to a third person for completion, it shall be responsible to the hirer for the work product completed thereby. |
承揽人将其承揽的辅助工作交由第三人完成的, 应当就该第三人完成的工作成果向定作人负责。 |