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103078 |
Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection, the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones, and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown, etc. |
发包人没有及时检查的, 承包人可以顺延工程日期, 并有权要求赔偿停工、窝工等损失。 |
103079 |
Where the developer is granted a patent, the commissioning party may exploit such patent free of charge. |
研究开发人取得专利权的, 委托人可以免费实施该专利。 |
103080 |
Where the developer is to assign the right to apply for patent on the invention/innovation resulting from the commissioned development, the commissioning party has the right of first refusal under the same conditions. |
研究开发人转让专利申请权的, 委托人享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。 |
103081 |
Where the donor intentionally omitted to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, he shall be liable for damages. |
赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵, 造成受赠人损失的, 应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
103082 |
Where the employer and the contractor execute a construction contract on a project for which no land use right certificate, or construction project planning permit is obtained, and no formalities are completed for approval of the construction, the contract shall be determined invalid; however, the contract shall be determined valid if relevant formalities are completed during the period of the trial. 11. |
10发包人与承包人签订无取得土地使用权证、无取得建筑工程规划许可证、无办理报建手续的“三无”工程建设施工合同,应确认无效;但在审理期间已补办手续的,应确认合同有效。 |
103083 |
Where the employer uses the project in advance or without approval prior to the acceptance inspection of the project, the employer shall be liable for quality problems or any other problem arising therefrom. However, the contractor shall be liable for the quality problem caused due to reasons attributable to the contractor. |
29工程未经验收,发包人提前使用或擅自动用,因此而发生质量或其他问题,由发包人承担责任,但工程质量因承包人原因造成的,由承包人负责。 |
103084 |
Where the employing unit and the worker reach an agreement on the term of service, the raise in the worker's remuneration according to the regular wage adjustment mechanism during the term of service shall not be adversely affected. |
用人单位与劳动者约定服务期的,不影响按照正常的工资调整机制提高劳动者在服务期期间的劳动报酬。 |
103085 |
Where the employing unit fails to do so, it shall bear the unfavorable consequences. |
用人单位在指定期限内不提供的,应当承担不利后果。 |
103086 |
Where the employing unit is to recruit personnel six months after the personnel reduction effected according to the stipulations of this Article, the reduced personnel shall have the priority to be re-employed. |
用人单位依据本条规定裁减人员, 在六个月内录用人员的, 应当优先录用被裁减的人员。 |
103087 |
Where the employing unit refuses to do so, it shall bear any unfavorable consequences. |
用人单位不提供的,应当承担不利后果。 |