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103068 |
Where the depositor failed to make such declaration, upon damage to or loss of the deposit, the depository may indemnify the depositor to the extent of the value of a regular item. |
寄存人未声明的, 该物品毁损、灭失后, 保管人可以按照一般物品予以赔偿。 |
103069 |
Where the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt delays in retrieving the goods, additional warehousing fee shall be charged; where the goods are retrieved before the end of the warehousing period, the warehousing fee shall not be reduced. |
存货人或者仓单持有人逾期提取的, 应当加收仓储费; 提前提取的, 不减收仓储费。 |
103070 |
Where the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt has endorsed the warehouse receipt and the warehouser has signed or sealed thereon, the right to retrieve the goods may be assigned. |
存货人或者仓单持有人在仓单上背书并经保管人签字或者盖章的, 可以转让提取仓储物的权利。 |
103071 |
Where the depositor violates the previous paragraph, the warehouser may reject the goods and may also take the appropriate measures to prevent loss at the depositor's expense. |
存货人违反前款规定的, 保管人可以拒收仓储物, 也可以采取相应措施以避免损失的发生, 因此产生的费用由存货人承担。 |
103072 |
Where the depository delegated safekeeping of the deposit to a third person in violation of the previous paragraph, thereby causing damage to the deposit, the depository shall be liable for damages. |
保管人违反前款规定, 将保管物转交第三人保管, 对保管物造成损失的, 应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
103073 |
Where the depository keeps any other fungible item, it may return any item of the same type, quality and quantity in accordance with the contract. |
保管其他可替代物的, 可以按照约定返还相同种类、品质、数量的物品。 |
103074 |
Where the designated operators take advantage of the illegal arrangements to foist inferior but high-priced goods on buyers or make exorbitant charges, the control and inspection authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may, according to circumstances, impose fines of more than twice and less than three times the illegal income. |
被指定的经营者借此销售质次价高商品或者滥收费用的, 监督检查部门应当没收违法所得, 可以根据情节处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 |
103075 |
Where the designated operators, taking advantage of this illegal arrangement, foist inferior but high-priced goods on buyers or make exorbitant charges, the control and inspection authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may, according to circumstances, impose a fine of more than twice and less than three times the illegal income. |
被指定的经营者借此销售质次价高商品或者滥收费用的, 监督检查部门应当没收违法所得, 可以根据情节处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 |
103076 |
Where the developer breached the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for breach of contract. |
第三百三十四条研究开发人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的, 应当承担违约责任。 |
103077 |
Where the developer fails to pay the price at the end of such period, the contractor may enter into an agreement with the developer to liquidate the project, and may also petition the People's Court to auction the project in accordance with the law, unless such project is not fit for liquidation or auction in light of its nature. |
发包人逾期不支付的, 除按照建设工程的性质不宜折价、拍卖的以外, 承包人可以与发包人协议将该工程折价, 也可以申请人民法院将该工程依法拍卖。 |