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103048 Where the company fails to apply for company de-registration, the company registration authority shall revoke its business license and make a public announcement. 不申请注销公司登记的, 由公司登记机关吊销其公司营业执照, 并予以公告。
103049 Where the company fails to carry out amendment registration in accordance herewith when a registered item of the company has changed, it shall be ordered to register within a prescribed time limit, and where the company has not carried out registration after expiration of the time limit, a fine of not less than 10, 000 Yuan but not more than 100, 000 Yuan shall be imposed. 公司登记事项发生变更时, 未按照本法规定办理有关变更登记的, 责令限期登记, 逾期不登记的, 处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。
103050 Where the company has issued bearer share certificates, a public notice concerning matters set forth in the previous Paragraph shall be made 45 days prior to the meeting. 发行无记名股票的, 应当于会议召开四十五日以前就前款事项作出公告。
103051 Where the company is to be dissolved pursuant to a resolution, is ordered to cease its operation by the relevant authority in charge in accordance with the law, or is declared bankrupt, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall issue a decision to de-list its shares. 公司决议解散、被行政主管部门依法责令关闭或者被宣告破产的, 由国务院证券管理部门决定终止其股票上市。
103052 Where the company is to increase its capital, its shareholders have the preemptive right to subscribe for the increased amount. 公司新增资本时, 股东可以优先认缴出资。
103053 Where the company registration authority approves to register, it shall, within 15 days from the date of approval to register, notify the applicant and issue, change or withdraw the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or the Business License. 公司登记机关核准登记的, 应当自核准登记之日起15日内通知申请人, 发给、换发或者收缴《企业法人营业执照》或者《营业执照》。
103054 Where the company registration authority decides to approve, it shall issue a Notification of Company's Name Pre-Approval. 公司登记机关决定核准的, 应当发给《企业名称预先核准通知书》。
103055 Where the company registration authority refuses to register, it shall, within 15 days from the date of making the decision, notify the applicant and issue a Notification of Refusal of Company Registration. 公司登记机关不予登记的, 应当自作出决定之日起15日内通知申请人, 发给《公司登记驳回通知书》。
103056 Where the company's assets are sufficient for payment of company debts, such assets shall be paid out in the following order: payment of liquidating expenses, payment of wages and expenses for labor insurance of the workers, payment of taxes owed, and payment of company debts. 公司财产能够清偿公司债务的, 分别支付清算费用、职工工资和劳动保险费用, 缴纳所欠税款, 清偿公司债务。
103057 Where the consignee delays in taking delivery, it shall pay expenses such as safekeeping fee, etc. to the carrier. 收货人逾期提货的, 应当向承运人支付保管费等费用。