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103038 |
Where the capital city did not already provide the necessary accretion of monuments, some nations have erected a purpose-designed national monument, such as in Budapest, where an architectural composition supports a weight of symbolism from various sources - Christian, pagan neoclassical, and historical - to show that the Hungarians are descended from wild horsemen, but are now part of the civilized colloquy of nations. |
如果一个国家的首都没有历史上留下来的纪念性建筑,那么它就会特地设计一座,如在布达佩斯就有一个建筑作品成为各种文化的象征--基督教文化、异教新古典主义的文化和历史文化--以显示匈牙利人是野蛮剽悍的游牧民族的后代,但现在是文明世界中的一员。直到19世纪,意大利的各个城邦才统一成了一个国家,罗马那巨大的维克托·伊曼纽尔〔6〕纪念碑就是为纪念这一事件而设计的,以此来提醒所有意大利人他们有了一个共同的新身份,这个新身份与罗马帝国的历史有关。 |
103039 |
Where the carrier delays in carriage, it shall, upon request by the passenger, either reschedule or refund the fare. |
承运人迟延运输的, 应当根据旅客的要求安排改乘其他班次或者退票。 |
103040 |
Where the carrier failed to carry the passenger or the cargo by the prescribed or normal route, thereby increasing the fare or freightage, the passenger, consignor or consignee may refuse to pay any increased portion thereof. |
承运人未按照约定路线或者通常路线运输增加票款或者运输费用的, 旅客、托运人或者收货人可以拒绝支付增加部分的票款或者运输费用。 |
103041 |
Where the carrier sustains any loss due to the consignor's provision of false information or omission of any material information, the consignor shall be liable for damages. |
因托运人申报不实或者遗漏重要情况, 造成承运人损失的, 托运人应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
103042 |
Where the case does not constitute a crime, the person involved shall be subject to administrative disciplinary measures according to law. |
尚不构成犯罪的, 依法给予行政处分。 |
103043 |
Where the chairman is unable to perform his duties due to any special reason, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman appointed by the chairman or another director appointed by the chairman. |
董事长因特殊原因不能履行职务时, 由董事长指定的副董事长或者其他董事主持。 |
103044 |
Where the changed business scope relates to the items that must be submitted for examination and approval as provided by law or administrative regulations, the approval documents from the relevant department shall be submitted. |
变更经营范围涉及法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批的项目的, 应当提交有关部门的批准文件。 |
103045 |
Where the changed domicile goes beyond the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority, the company shall apply for registration of change with the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move before it moves to the new domicile. If the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move accepts the application, the original company registration authority shall transfer the company registration files to the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move. |
公司变更住所跨公司登记机关辖区的, 应当在迁入新住所前向迁入地公司登记机关申请变更登记; 迁入地公司登记机关受理的, 由原公司登记机关将公司登记档案移送迁入地公司登记机关。 |
103046 |
Where the circumstance is serious, such persons shall be disciplined by the company. |
情节严重的, 由公司给予处分。 |
103047 |
Where the company distributes its current year profit in the form of new shares, issuance of such shares are exempt from the restriction prescribed in Item (ii) of the previous Paragraph. |
公司以当年利润分派新股, 不受前款第(二) 项限制。 |