ID 原文 译文
102968 Where necessary, the State Council may adopt the form of releasing decisions to establish administrative licenses. 必要时, 国务院可以采用发布决定的方式设定行政许可。
102969 Where necessary, the critical areas may be lined with materials having greater resistance to cavitation erosion. 如有必要,关键部位可以用有更好的耐气蚀材料作为内衬。
102970 Where neither the law nor the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right, failure by a party to exercise it within a reasonable time after receiving demand from the other party shall extinguish such right. 法律没有规定或者当事人没有约定解除权行使期限, 经对方催告后在合理期限内不行使的, 该权利消灭。
102971 Where no conditions for planning are laid down for a tract of land, the said right shall not be transferred. 未确定规划条件的地块,不得出让国有土地使用权。
102972 Where no inspection period was prescribed, the buyer shall notify the seller within a reasonable period, commencing on the date when the buyer discovered or should have discovered the quantity or quality non-compliance. 当事人没有约定检验期间的, 买受人应当在发现或者应当发现标的物的数量或者质量不符合约定的合理期间内通知出卖人。
102973 Where no inspection period was prescribed, the buyer shall timely inspect the subject matter. 没有约定检验期间的, 应当及时检验。
102974 Where no laws or regulations are available to apply to such activities, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall order him to make a rectification, confiscate the illegal gains and impose a fine from one to five times the amount of the illegal proceeds. If there are no illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are less than RMB 10,000 Yuan, a fine from RMB 10,000 Yuan to RMB 50,000 Yuan shall be imposed; 法律、行政法规没有规定的,由国务院对外贸易主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚款,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足一万元的,处一万元以上五万元以下罚款;
102975 Where no laws or regulations are available to apply to such activities, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall order him to make a rectification, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impose a fine from one to five times the amount of the illegal gains. If there are no illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are less than RMB 10,000 Yuan, a fine from RMB 10,000 Yuan to RMB 50,000 Yuan shall be imposed; 法律、行政法规没有规定的,由国务院对外贸易主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚款,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足一万元的,处一万元以上五万元以下罚款;
102976 Where no mediation agreement is reached within 15 days from the date the labor-dispute mediation institution receives the application for mediation, the parties may apply for arbitration in accordance with law. 自劳动争议调解组织收到调解申请之日起十五日内未达成调解协议的,当事人可以依法申请仲裁。
102977 Where no share has been placed, such share offer shall be terminated; where shares have been placed, the subscribers may demand that the sponsors return the share proceeds paid, together with the interest thereon as if they have been deposited in a bank for a like period. 尚未募集股份的, 停止募集; 已经募集的, 认股人可以按照所缴股款并加算银行同期存款利息, 要求发起人返还。