ID 原文 译文
102748 Where Creek Vean was exciting and tiring, Murray Mews was dispiriting. 与在克里克·维安别墅令人疲惫又兴奋的设计工作不同,默里·梅斯项目令人沮丧。
102749 Where Gothic was being hotly debated in Britain and subjected to academic scrutiny, not least by John Ruskin and Augustus Pugin, American Gothic was a picturesque improvization, allowed to develop in its own quirky way. 当哥特式房屋在英国引起热议,尤其是被约翰·拉斯金和奥古斯塔斯·帕金学术性审查的时候,美国哥特式以自己独特的方式在发展。
102750 Where Mies was essentially a superb modern classicist who built scale mock-ups of his buildings and for whom structure was expressive, Soriano, who later became a close friend of mine, simply used components to structure the building; there was no artifice. 相比之下,密斯本质上是一个杰出的现代古典主义者,他的建筑结构是充满表现力的,且建造了等比例建筑模型,而索里亚诺(后来成了我的好朋友)只是用结构和部件来建造建筑,而不是其他花哨技巧。
102751 Where Palladio had a co-ordinated plan for each building, with corridors creating vistas that helped the visitor to understand where they were going, finding your way about at Little Moreton is an act of intuition. 帕拉第奥对各建筑采取了彼此协调的风格,不同的走廊的景观使参观者知道他们的目的地是哪里,在这里找到路是一件需要凭感觉的事。
102752 Where Q——the total score; 式中:Q——总得分;
102753 Where a branch changes its location of business premises, a certificate of use of the new business premises shall be submitted. 变更营业场所的, 应当提交新的营业场所使用证明。
102754 Where a branch company is to be established after the establishment of the limited liability company, the company's legal representative shall apply to the company registration authority for registration of such branch company, and it shall be issued a business license. 有限责任公司成立后设立分公司, 应当由公司法定代表人向公司登记机关申请登记, 领取营业执照。
102755 Where a branch company is to be established after the joint stock limited company's establishment, the company's legal representative shall apply to the company registration authority for registration of such branch company, and it shall be issued a business license. 股份有限公司成立后设立分公司, 应当由公司法定代表人向公司登记机关申请登记, 领取营业执照。
102756 Where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is deceased, his/her nearest relatives may apply for reconsideration; where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is incompetent or has limited capacities, his/her legal representative may apply for reconsideration on his/her behalf. 有权申请复议的公民死亡的, 其近亲属可以申请复议; 有权申请复议的公民为无行为能力或者限制行为能力的, 其法定代理人可以代为申请复议。
102757 Where a citizen, a legal person or any other organization applies for reconsideration to an administrative body and the administrative body for reconsideration has accepted the application, then the applicant may not bring a suit before the people's court within the statutory time limit for conducting reconsideration. 公民、法人或者其他组织向复议机关申请复议, 复议机关已经受理的, 在法定复议期限内不得向人民法院起诉。