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102678 |
When we look at an object with which we might potentially engage or mentally prepare to undertake a given action, such as opening a window or ascending a flight of stairs, canonical neurons fire. |
当我们看着也许会让我们产生感应或在心理上进行某个活动的物体(诸如打开窗户或者爬上楼梯),标准神经元就会放电。 |
102679 |
When we look at images of this kind, when we read the images in Bachelin's book, we start musing on primitiveness. |
在静观这些形象时,在阅读巴舍兰书中的形象时,我们反复地思考原始性。 |
102680 |
When we look at that structure, which looks like it is a lintel with columns supporting it, I mean, when you look further you realize that the lintel is still fully attached to the cliff, and it's still part of the cliff, and it's embedded into the mass of rock at the ends, it's--it's hard to imagine that even if we took the central columns away that this thing would collapse. |
当我们看这个建筑,好像是过梁和它底下的石柱在支撑着它,但你仔细看的话,会发现过梁其实跟悬崖是连在一起,是悬崖的一部分,它的两端与这块巨石紧紧相连。难以想象的是,即使把中间的石柱拿掉,这个建筑仍不会倒塌。 |
102681 |
When we look at… 麦坎(McCANN): |
我们现在…… |
102682 |
When we observe a famous garden, we have got to study its divine charms before looking into the period in which the garden was made, in the same way as we would a cultural artefact. However, none of the surviving traditional gardens could do without repairs in the intervening years. |
凡观名园,先论神气,再辨时代,此与鉴定古物,其法一也。 |
102683 |
When we pass from the image of a nest to the image of a house, and vice versa, it can only be in an atmosphere of simplicity. |
从鸟巢的形象到家宅的形象,或者反过来,其间的过渡只能在简单性的共同主题下进行。 |
102684 |
When we reach the hillside hamlet, we step off a dirt path to enter a sanctuary that subtly registers our presence. |
我们沿着一条土路走到卧在山坡的小村庄,进入教堂。它以微妙的方式记录着我们的存在。 |
102685 |
When we read the works of a great word dreamer like Michel Leiris (particularly in his Biffures), we find ourselves experiencing in words, on the inside of words, secret movements of our own. |
在阅读一个伟大的语词梦想者如米歇尔o莱里斯的作品(特别是《删除线》)时,我们惊讶于在语词之中,在一个词的内部体验到内心的运动。 |
102686 |
When we read this passage of Guéguen's book we sense that this poet has calmed all anxiety. |
当我们体验盖冈的文字时,我们感觉到诗人平息了他所有的惶惶不安。 |
102687 |
When we really live a poetic image, we learn to know, in one of its tiny fibers, a becoming of being that is an awareness of the being's inner disturbance. |
真正地体验一个诗歌形象,就是在这些细小心弦中的一根上体会一次存在的生成,这个存在是对存在的不安的意识。 |