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102668 |
When we experience this passage by Henri Michaux, we absorb a mixture of being and nothingness. |
通过体验亨利o米绍的文字,我们吸收了存在与虚无的混合物。" |
102669 |
When we first encounter these magnificent places, we apprehend them mainly visually, as objects in space. |
第一次遇到这些壮丽的建筑,我们主要从视觉上把它们理解为空间里的物体。 |
102670 |
When we found our house on the corner of Royal Avenue and St Leonard's Terrace in Chelsea, it was the view and the light we fell in love with. |
当我们选中位于切尔西皇家大道和圣伦纳德台交叉口处的房子时,我们爱上的是它的景致和光线。 |
102671 |
When we get inside the dome, it's a complete surprise. It's not what we expect-- a single dome. |
詹姆斯·坎贝尔: |
102672 |
When we have been made aware of a rhythmanalysis by moving from a concentrated to an expanded house, the oscillations reverberate and grow louder. |
当我们从紧缩的家宅转移到膨胀的家宅,从而对节奏分析变得敏感的时候,振动就回荡并增大起来。 |
102673 |
When we have dreamed as intensely as this in the hollow of a flower, the way we recall our lives in the house that is lost and gone, dissolved in the waters of the past, is no ordinary way. |
当我们这么多次地梦想花朵的小窝以后,我们以另一种方式回忆失去的家宅,它消融在逝去的流水之中。 |
102674 |
When we have experienced an image like the planetary image of Cyrano's apple, we understand that it was not prepared by thought. |
当我们自发地体验到像西拉诺的苹果那样的行星形象时,我们会理解,这个形象不是由思想所产生的。 |
102675 |
When we have followed Supervielle's entire poem, both in its astral ascensions and its return to the world of human beings, we perceive that the familiar world assumes the new relief of a dazzling cosmic miniature. |
当我们读完了苏佩维埃尔的整首诗,跟随他升上天体又降回人间,我们会意识到熟悉的世界换上了一副迷人的宇宙缩影的崭新外貌。 |
102676 |
When we have forgotten all our habits of scientific objectivity, we look for the images of the first time. |
正如我们在引言中已经说过的那样,我们应该忘掉科学客观性的习惯,寻找第一次的形象。 |
102677 |
When we left off our approach to the Salk Institute, our ears were attuned to the gurgling water feeding its fountain. Ever attuned to changes in the surroundings, we instantly turn our attentions to the movement and sound of the channel fountain's water. |
在一步步走近萨克学院的过程中,我们会惊叹于周围景观的变化,此时渠道喷泉的汩汩流水只是充当着背景。 |