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102648 |
When we accept slight amazement, we prepare ourselves to imagine great amazement and, in the world of the imagination, it becomes normal for an elephant, which is an enormous animal, to come out of a snail shell. |
会接受小的惊奇感的人就会准备好想象更大的惊奇。在想象的领域里,大象这样庞大的动物从蜗牛的壳里出来,这是很正常的。 |
102649 |
When we admire the Parthenon as a vision of architectural grace and proportion, we first of all see a building constructed within the rules of the 'Golden Mean'. But then we become aware of a subtle and quite stunning use of eye-pleasing alexemata. |
当我们因帕特农神殿的建筑之美以及协调的比例而为之赞叹的时候,我们首先想到它是按照“黄金分割”的规则建造的,但随后我们才意识到它使用的是相当精妙的愉悦视觉的方法——alexemata。 |
102650 |
When we all eventually live on the moon, we'll need to be protected from gamma radiation. |
如果我们要移居月球,我们必须能抵御伽马射线。 |
102651 |
When we approach front doors, we appreciate those that have a small threshold in front of them, a piece of railing, a canopy or a simple line of flowers or stones - features that help us to mark the transition between public and private space and appease the anxiety of entering or leaving a house. |
当我们走近大门时,我们喜欢门前能有一道小门槛,有一道栏杆,一个天篷或是一排简单的鲜花甚至石头--这些特征能够帮助我们划分出公共和私人空间的过度并以此安抚进入或离开一幢房子的焦虑不安。 |
102652 |
When we are at an age to imagine, we cannot say how or why we imagine. |
当我们处在想象的年龄时,我们说不出我们如何想象,为何想象。 |
102653 |
When we are inside a Gothic cathedral, for example, we experience many changing views, but when we walk down the main aisle—the line where the mirror images of the left and right sides meet—we know that we are in a special relationship to our surroundings. |
例如,当我们身处一座哥特式大教堂中时,会感受到眼前的风景在不停地变化。但是当我们沿着左右镜像的中心线,也就是大教堂的中心通道向前走时,就会意识到自己身处一个与周围环境有着特殊关系的位置。 |
102654 |
When we are lecturing, we become animated by the joy of teaching and, at times, our words think for us. |
在口头讲授中,我们受讲课的快乐所驱使,说出的话时而会代替我们思考。 |
102655 |
When we are lost in darkness and see a distant glimmer of light, who does not dream of a thatched cottage or, to go more deeply still into legend, of a hermit's hut? |
它是种种传说的中心。面对一束远远消失在黑夜里的光线,谁不曾梦想过茅屋,谁不曾参与到传说中去,梦想隐士的小木屋? |
102656 |
When we aren't aiming to be either precise or conclusive, it can be easy to agree on what a beautiful man-made place might look like. |
如果不要求我们太确切或盖棺定论,对于一个美丽的人造地方应该是个什么样子还是比较容易达成一致的。 |
102657 |
When we arrived in Paris four years later, it was still a wonderfully romantic city, with the best food in the world, modern infrastructure, and street life that we could only dream of in England. |
四年后,当我们到达巴黎时,它仍然是一个非常浪漫的城市,拥有世界上最好的食物、现代化的基础设施,以及我们在英国只能梦想的街头生活。 |