ID 原文 译文
102578 When the storm rages and lashes the trees, in the shelter of the house, Rilke would like to be out-of-doors, not through any desire to enjoy the wind and the rain, but in order to pursue his own revery. 暴风雨怒吼着,扭曲着树;躲避在家宅中的里尔克想要前往屋外,不是为了享受风和雨,而是为了寻找梦想。
102579 When the stupa finally did become established in China, in much modified form, it arrived through Tibet in conjunction with the spread of Lamaism. 后来,随着喇嘛教的传播,终于通过西藏植根于中原,其形貌发生了较大的改变。
102580 When the successful bid is much lower than the competitive bids, the difference, referred to as "money left on the table", often has a disquieting effect on the low bidder. 当中标人的标价远远低于有竞争力的标价时,这一差价,即“差额”,通常让出价低的竞标者感到不踏实。
102581 When the successful bid is much lower than the competitive bids, the difference, referred to as "money left on the table", often has a disquieting effect on the low bidder. 当工程项目在异地,尤其是在国外的时候,并且客户要求在当地完成设计,公司就很有必要请一名项目经理,既要精通工程技术,有很好的判断力,同时也要谙熟合同管理,以便在必要的时候就工程范围和工期变动问题随时跟客户进行磋商。
102582 When the sun slants and the wind settles, Perches are hawked under red maples Halfway down the river shoals. 好是日斜风定后,半江红树卖鲈鱼。”
102583 When the sun went down, about three thousand men carrying lanterns and singing songs moved orderly into the Drill Field. The men, while dancing, slowly forged formations to show the four Designated Chinese characters: "great" (tai), "peace" (ping), "long" (wan), and "life" (sui) in order to draw the emperor's attention and pleasure. 日既夕,则楼前舞灯者三千人列队焉,口唱太平歌,各执彩灯,循环进止,各依其缀兆,一转旋则三千人排成一"太"字,再转成"平"字,以次作"万"、"岁"字,又以次合成"太平万岁"字,所谓"太平万岁字当中"也。
102584 When the sun went down, about three thousand men carrying lanterns and singing songs moved orderly into the Drill Field. The men, while dancing, slowly forged formations to show the four Designated Chinese characters: “great” (tai), “peace” (ping), “long” (wan), and “life” (sui) in order to draw the emperor’s attention and pleasure. 日既夕,则楼前舞灯者三千人列队焉,口唱太平歌,各执彩灯,循环进止,各依其缀兆,一转旋则三千人排成一“太”字,再转成“平”字,以次作“万”、“岁”字,又以次合成“太平万岁”字,所谓“太平万岁字当中”也。
102585 When the time came to discontinue further production of the model, the company had in its warehouse enough parts for another eight to ten years of production, parts that had to be written off at a considerable loss. 结果到了公司正式停产的那一天,库房竟积存了足够8年到10年的零件库存。这笔损失真是相当可观。
102586 When the time comes, a team of American delegates will need to arrange an appointment with La Roche so as to draw everything together". 等那个时刻来临时,来自美国的代表们将会委派拉罗歇把所有的产业集中起来。”
102587 When the toll collection right transfer contracts for toll roads that are invested and managed by domestic and foreign economic organizations expires, the roads should be recovered free by the State and handed over to transportation departments for management. 由国内外经济组织依照本法规定投资建成并经营的收费公路, 约定的经营期限届满, 该公路由国家无偿收回, 由有关交通主管部门管理。