ID 原文 译文
102568 When the restoration task eventually came under way, we worked to preserve the water surfaces in the first place while repairing and expanding the city wall and rejuvenating the bamboo groves on the premises. 今复斯园,仍以水为主,城墙水竹,修复而扩大之。
102569 When the rods are run through the channels, they are then bonded to the concrete by filling the channels with grout, a thin mortar of binding agent. 第一种是留下对应钢筋形状混凝土梁的孔道。当钢筋穿过孔道时,梁用水泥浆填满孔道,薄薄的砂浆就与梁黏合在一起。
102570 When the rooms were enclosed, each one had a door to the outside, and a wash basin in it. 当这一大间屋子被分隔成小间的时候,每一间屋子都有一个通向外面的门,屋内也都有一个盥洗池。
102571 When the rulers of the Jin Dynasty expanded their capital of Zhongdu, they enclosed the river running into the lower part of the West Lake within the city. And they also built their imperial gardens in the west of the imperial palaces. 金朝扩建中都城时,已经把西湖下游的小河,圈入城中,并在宫城的西侧,开辟了皇家园林。
102572 When the scheme for the new chapel was shown to them, in the form of a plaster model, they were unable to comprehend its architecture; instead they were uneasy, shocked and apprehensive before this somewhat strange object whose shape in no way resembled that of any other traditional religious edifice. 当新教堂的方案以石膏模型的形式展示给当地居民的时候,他们不能理解这一建筑;反而,他们在这个多少有些奇怪的对象面前显得不安、震惊、惶恐,因为它的模样与传统宗教建筑大相径庭。
102573 When the second monarch of the Sui, Yang Guang (569-618) or Emperor Yang (in reign 569-618), came to town, he went on a binge of dissipation and debauchery while building imperial palaces and resorts in a big way. 其后隋炀帝(杨广)恣意寻欢作乐来到扬州,又大兴土木,建造离宫别馆。虽然这时的扬州开始呈现了空前的繁荣,却不能使扬州的富庶得到真正的发展。
102574 When the setting sun bathes the scene in its twilight, the entire stone stairway is covered with broken shadows, conjuring up a picture that teeters between real and surreal, an effect that belongs only to a scenery set against a white-washed wall in a traditional Chinese garden. 尤其是小亭踞峰,旁倚粉墙之下,加之古木掩映,每当夕阳晚照,碎影满阶,发挥了中国园林就白粉墙为底所产生的虚实景色。
102575 When the south gate was constructed, the gate habitually collapsed before it was finished. This seriously hindered the progress of the whole project. 相传在朱元璋营建都城的过程中,建造南门时,屡建屡塌,影响了工程的进度。
102576 When the specified tests have been passed, the Employer shall endorse the Contractor's test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect. 当规定的试验通过时,雇主应在承包商的试验证书上签字认可,或向承包商颁发等效的证书。
102577 When the specified tests have been passed, the Engineer shall endorse the Contractor's test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect. 当规定的检验通过后,工程师应对承包商的检验证书批注认可或就此向承包商颁发证书。