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102538 |
When the load is removed, the elastic portion of the strain is recovered, but the plastic part (slip and creep) remains as permanent set. |
当荷载被移走时,应变的弹性部分恢复,但塑性应变部分(滑移和徐变)却会永久保留。 |
102539 |
When the margin of safety is reduced to zero or less, the structure (presumably) will fail. |
安全限度减小为0或更小,结构就垮了。 |
102540 |
When the meeting was over, Qianlong toured Longevity Hills, paid a tribute at a Buddhist temple, and finally ate supper at the All-Happy Garden. |
会面结束之后,乾隆游览万寿山,在佛楼拜佛,然后在同乐园进用晚膳。 |
102541 |
When the minister informed this truth to the emperor, he lost his job. |
桂清把真相告知同治时还丢了官。 |
102542 |
When the monarchy was restored, Charles II insisted on Wren as Surveyor-General. |
君主制恢复后,查尔斯二世坚持任命雷恩为测量局局长。 |
102543 |
When the money ran out he went from door to door to collect subscriptions so that he could continue his beloved creation. |
当资金耗尽之后,他挨家挨户地乞讨捐赠,以继续他毕生挚爱的创作。 |
102544 |
When the motion picture camera accelerates the unfolding of a flower, we receive a sublime image of offering; it is as though the flower we see opening so quickly and without reservation, sensed the meaning of a gift; as though it were a gift from the world. |
当我们用电影加速花朵的绽放时,我们获得了祭献的崇高形象。我们会说,毫不迟缓、毫不拖沓地绽开的花朵具有赐予的意义,它是世界的赐予。 |
102545 |
When the movie Suzhou Gardens was in the making a few years ago, and when the Americans arrived to shoot the movie Suzhou two years ago, both crews accepted my suggestion that some Kunqu tunes be used as background music, and the result was a success. |
在形的美之外,还有声的美,载歌载舞,因此在整个情趣上必须是一致的。从前拍摄“苏州园林”,及前年美国来拍摄“苏州”电影,我都建议配以昆曲音乐而成功的。 |
102546 |
When the new academic year begins in September, he is already a full-time professor of Chinese architecture history at Saint John's University Department of Architecture in Shanghai. |
同年秋,执教于圣约翰大学建筑系,正式教授中国建筑史。 |
102547 |
When the north wall of the fort at Housesteads became unsound, it was repaired by piling an earth bank against it and over it. |
当人们发现豪斯戴德要塞的北墙不稳固时,修补措施仅仅是堆叠土堤支撑墙体。 |