ID 原文 译文
102438 When tax cuts favour the rich and welfare cuts penalise the poor, the economy is starved of consumer spending (as the poor spend more of their money than the rich do). 当社会通过减税来为富人牟利、削减福利来惩罚穷人时,就会缺乏消费性的经济支出(因为穷人花的钱比富人多)。
102439 When temples began to be built out of stone, a form of decoration called the 'triglyph' was added. This is the vertically channelled tablet in the Doric frieze. 在开始使用石材建造神殿之时,增加了一种叫作“三竖线花纹装饰”的装饰形式,这是一种刻有凹槽的垂直木板,多立克式的横饰带。
102440 When the 1784 Yuanxiao Festival Day, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, arrived, the Yuanming Yuan featured, as before, lanterns, fireworks, and "continuous theatrical performances" (liantaixi). 当1784年的元宵节也就是正月十五来临时,圆明园一如往昔张灯结彩、放烟火和演"连台戏"。
102441 When the 1784 Yuanxiao Festival Day, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, arrived, the Yuanming Yuan featured, as before, lanterns, fireworks, and “continuous theatrical performances” (liantaixi). 当1784年的元宵节也就是正月十五来临时,圆明园一如往昔张灯结彩、放烟火和演“连台戏”。
102442 When the British House of Lords met in the new year 1861 to thank the expeditionary army, as the Times reported on February 15, 1861, it had a stormy meeting with regard to the rape of the Yuanming Yuan. 据《泰晤士报》1861年2月15日报道,当英国上议院于当年召开新一年的会议以感谢远征军时,就圆明园遭劫一事展开了激烈的争辩。
102443 When the British learned that the French, who were holding a similar parade in Paris, were erecting a temporary funerary memorial next to the Arc de Triomphe to honor the fallen, they decided that the London parade should have a similar structure. 当时,法国人在巴黎也打算举行类似的游行。当英国人得知法国人要在凯旋门旁边搭建一座临时的葬礼纪念碑以追悼逝去的人时,他们决定在伦敦游行时也搭建一座类似的临时建筑。
102444 When the Chinese government appeared reluctant to accept the British terms, Bruce instructed Admiral Hope Grant to intrude into Baihe by force on June 25, 1860. 当中国政府拒绝接受英国的条款时,布鲁斯命令海军司令贺布·格兰特于1860年6月25日径以武力入侵白河。
102445 When the Classical world collapsed, the mathematical knowledge used to build the great monuments of Greece and Rome was collected by Muslim scholars and passed down through the Muslim houses of wisdom to the time of the Alhambra FAIRCHILD-RUGGLES: 当古典世界坍塌时,用来建造希腊和罗马伟大建筑的数学知识被穆斯林学者收集,并通过穆斯林的知识学院传递到阿兰布拉宫时代。
102446 When the Dispute Adjudication Agreement has taken effect, the Employer and the Contractor shall each give notice to the Member accordingly. 当争端裁决协议书已经生效,雇主和承包商都应相应的给成员发出通知。
102447 When the Doge's Palace was badly damaged by fire, Palladio's proposal to rebuild the fifteenth-century Gothic façade in a classical style was rejected, and instead the original façade was restored. 它一直伴随着威尼斯进入文艺复兴时期。当总督宫(Doge’s Palace)被火灾严重损坏后,帕拉第奥想用古典建筑风格来修复15世纪哥特式立面的提议被否决了,最后还是还原了原本的立面。