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102398 |
When ores, petroleum products, cement and grains are stored and handled, it is known as a bulk cargo terminal. Port Planning and Location |
当主要存储和装卸铁矿石、石油、水泥和粮食时,码头即为大宗货运码头。 |
102399 |
When others were questioning the wisdom of building so high, Goldfinger was having none of it. |
当有人问及建造高楼的智慧时,他一言不发。 |
102400 |
When our ancients built gardens, every pavilion or verandah, even the number of bends in a roofed walkway, was adapted to actual needs, and unnecessary structures were avoided. This is like composing poetry or verse, which tolerates neither wordiness nor laborious sentences. |
园林建筑必功能与形式相结合,古时造园,一亭一榭,几曲回廊,皆据实际需要出发,不多筑,不虚构,如作诗行文,无废词赘句。 |
102401 |
When our brain identifies a scene and discerns its form-based cues, such as shapes and their orientation, the sizes and combinations of its geons, that analysis runs through our parietal lobe, which has the primary responsibility for integrating sensory information from various parts of our body and is where the homunculus is located. |
识别场景并辨别其中的形态线索(比如形状和朝向、基元的尺寸和组合方式)的脑区是顶叶,顶叶主要负责整合来自身体各部位的感觉信息,感官侏儒就位于顶叶。 |
102402 |
When people came to Stonehenge they wanted to make their mark, either as individuals or as communities. And often they did this by altering it in some way. |
人们来到巨石阵是为了留下个人或者族群的印迹,而达成这一心愿的方式是对其进行改建。 |
102403 |
When people encounter a building, cityscape, or landscape, rapid gist extraction helps us to create a mental image of a scene's rough organization-"rough" because our perception cannot offer a precise account of what's on the ground. |
遇到建筑、市容、景观,我们会迅速提取要点,创建有关场景大致布局的心理意象,"大致"是因为我们的知觉无法提供场景的精确视图。 |
102404 |
When people in one large study were asked to prioritize a list of features that they would use to determine a neighborhood's desirability, "access to nature" consistently ranked first or second. |
某个大型研究,让人们按宜居决定因素的关键性给片区特征排序:"亲近自然"总是排在第一或第二。 |
102405 |
When people lay claim to a piece of land, constructing buildings, organizing and shaping its voids into action settings, it is no longer just an abstraction, a geographic point on a map. What was once just territory becomes a place, which means that it is imbued with social meaning. |
当人们认领一块土地,在上面建造东西,将其空间布置、塑造成活动背景,这块土地就不再仅仅是地图上一个抽象的地理位置。 |
102406 |
When people look through the latticed windows and the moon gate built into the partition wall to see the other section, they will be impressed by the mystic, yet spirited quietness of the scene conjured up by way of view borrowing. |
两部运用花墙间隔,人们的视线穿过漏窗月门望隔园景色,深幽清灵,发挥了很大的“借景”作用。 |
102407 |
When performing the duty of supervision and inspection as provided for in the preceding paragraph, staff members of the department in charge of urban and rural planning shall produce their papers for law enforcement. |
城乡规划主管部门的工作人员履行前款规定的监督检查职责,应当出示执法证件。 |