ID 原文 译文
102368 When it was determined that idleness rather than weather caused the poor harvest, each of the three supervisors in the wheat farms paid a fine of three months' salary. Ding Yong, who headed the village of the wheat farms, got the severest punishment of all. 当调查的结果显示是人为疏懒而非天气原因造成麦子收成不好时,麦田的三个主管每人都被罚三个月的俸银,麦田村的头目丁永则受到最严厉的处罚,他被重打三十大板。
102369 When it was determined that idleness rather than weather caused the poor harvest, each of the three supervisors in the wheat farms paid a fine of three months’ salary. Ding Yong, who headed the village of the wheat farms, got the severest punishment of all. 当调查的结果显示是人为疏懒而非天气原因造成麦子收成不好时,麦田的三个主管每人都被罚三个月的俸银,麦田村的头目丁永则受到最严厉的处罚,他被重打三十大板。
102370 When it was new it would certainly have amazed and astounded the few people who went to visit, but would have been visited in the way that a new dam might be visited nowadays, as a spectacle but not as an artistic accomplishment. 当加尔桥刚刚建成的时候,当然会令来这里参观的人感到惊异与震撼,虽然来访的人并不多,但是,当时来这里参观的人就像我们今天去参观一座新建的大坝一样,是因为它的壮观,而不是因为它的艺术成就。
102371 When it was rebuilt once again in 1827, the seventh year of the Daoguang reign (1821-1851), the Shrine of Five Hundred Sages6 was added west of today's Hall to Understand the Way. After being rebuilt again in 1873, or the twelfth year of the Tongzhi reign, the garden has remained to this day. 道光七年(公元1827年)重修,同治十二年(公元1873年)再重建,遂成今状。
102372 When it was recorded in 'The Way the Craftsmen Build the City-state', it was quite enough to make clear upon noticing 'the Imperial Ancestral Temple on the left side, the Altar of Land and Grain on the right side, Court facing ahead and Market on the back side' their relative positions. Here the words 'facing ahead' are of great importance. 到了《周礼·考工记》“匠人营国”的记载中,只要记述“左祖右社,面朝后市”,就足以说明彼此之间的方向,而“面朝”的“面”字在这里就特别重要,
102373 When it was renovated in 1986, the original pagoda wrapped inside was found. 1986年重修中发现了清乾隆十八年重修时裹砌其内的原塔。
102374 When it was revealed that we were 'in consultation with Ove Arup and Partners, Consultant Engineers', I am told there was an audible sigh of relief. 当得知奥雅纳公司是我们的顾问后,评审心里才得到了宽慰。
102375 When job opportunities are scarce or wage levels low, demand for real estate usually drops. 当工作机会减少或者工资水平很低时,房地产的需求通常是下降的。
102376 When learning that Senggelinqin had redeployed troops south of Zhangjiawan seemingly to prepare an ambush, the allies attacked them on September 18. 当联军得知僧格林沁在张家湾南边重新部署军队,似乎要准备伏击的时候,联军就在9月18日开始攻击这些清军。
102377 When looting is once commenced by an army, it is no easy matter to stop it. 当军队一旦开始劫掠,就不容易制止了。