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102328 |
When her husband died, Hatshepsut took power as regent: then, when the prince reached maturity, she refused to step down. |
当她的丈夫死后,哈特谢普苏特掌权摄政,然而王子长大成人后,她拒绝下台。 |
102329 |
When his father died in 1643 he was only four years old and power passed into the hands of his mother, Anne of Austria, who ruled as Regent, advised by Cardinal Mazarin. |
1643年其父去世时,他只有4岁,权力都掌握在其母安妮手中。她由马萨林辅佐,以摄政之名进行统治。 |
102330 |
When his jailers come to get him, he asks them "politely to wait a moment, to allow me to verify something in the little train in my picture. |
当狱卒们来叫他的时候,他向他们"礼貌地请求稍等片刻,让我可以到我画布上的小火车里面去,为了检查一些东西。 |
102331 |
When his mother found him like that, weeping from sheer boredom, she said: "And what is Dumas crying about?" |
当他的母亲发现他因为百无聊赖而哭泣的时候,问他:"仲马为什么哭呢?" |
102332 |
When human solitude deepens, then the two immensities touch and become identical. |
当人的巨大孤独变得更深时,这两种广阔性互相接触、互相混合。 |
102333 |
When importing the goods subject to the administration of quotas in customs tariffs, the provisions of Section IV of the present Chapter shall be followed. . |
实行关税配额管理的进口货物, 依照本章第四节的规定执行。 |
102334 |
When in 1822 the extraordinary linguist Jean-François Champollion began to decipher the Rosetta Stone, the world could finally 'read' these buildings like a book. |
在1822年,非凡的语言学家让-弗朗索瓦·商博良开始解读罗塞塔石,至此世界终于能够“解读”这些建筑。 |
102335 |
When industrial waste water or urban sewage is used for irrigation, attention shall be paid to guarding against pollution of the soil, ground water and agricultural products. |
利用工业废水和城市污水进行灌溉, 应当防止污染土壤、地下水和农产品。 |
102336 |
When inpatients spend time in what hospital administrators call "healing gardens," their heart rates slow and their cortisol and stress levels fall. |
住院患者待在医院管理人员所说的"康复花园",心率会变慢,皮质醇和压力水平会下降(见图4-4)。 |
102337 |
When insomnia, which is the philosopher's ailment, is increased through irritation caused by city noises; or when, late at night, the hum of automobiles and trucks rumbling through the Place Maubert causes me to curse my city-dweller's fate, I can recover my calm by living the metaphors of the ocean. |
当失眠这一哲学家的通病由于城市噪音所带来的紧张而加剧时,当深夜的莫贝尔广场上汽车轰鸣时,当卡车的隆隆声让我诅咒我作为城市居住者的宿命时,我就在体会海洋的隐喻中获得舒缓。 |