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102318 |
When he was born, all around him was lights, so he was called Dipamkara Buddha. |
他出生时使身边的一切光明如灯,因此称燃灯佛。 |
102319 |
When he was done, being temperamentally disinclined to keep any of his achievements quiet, Walpole invited for a tour everyone he knew, which included most of the opinion-formers and gentry of the land. |
大功告成之后,性喜张扬的沃尔浦尔遂广邀旧雨新知前来参观,其中包括当地大部分权贵士绅。 |
102320 |
When he was full, he went to the Drill Field to watch wrestling and fireworks and to entertain with princes and high-ranking officials. |
用膳完毕之后,他到"山高水长"去观赏摔跤和烟火,并接待众亲王和大臣。 |
102321 |
When he was full, he went to the Drill Field to watch wrestling and fireworks and to entertain with princes and high-ranking officials. |
用膳完毕之后,他到“山高水长”去观赏摔跤和烟火,并接待众亲王和大臣。 |
102322 |
When he was only six years old, he attended the memorable flower blossom party at the Peony Terrace on the Nine Continents together with his grandfather Kangxi and father Yongzheng. |
在他只有六岁的时候,就在"九州"的牡丹台,跟他的祖父康熙和父亲雍正一起共享了那次传诵一时的赏花会。 |
102323 |
When he was only six years old, he attended the memorable flower blossom party at the Peony Terrace on the Nine Continents together with his grandfather Kangxi and father Yongzheng. |
在他只有六岁的时候,就在“九州”的牡丹台,跟他的祖父康熙和父亲雍正一起共享了那次传诵一时的赏花会。 |
102324 |
When he was out of work, which was often, he would tour the country with the Architects' Revolutionary Council and Planning Aid, talking passionately about how the poor could regain control of the built environment and the political system. |
当他失业的时候--这时常发生--他就会和建筑师革命委员会及规划援助机构去乡村四处考察,并热情地谈论穷人如何能够重新获得对建筑环境和政治制度的控制。 |
102325 |
When he was questioned about why he felt it necessary to add mullions to the surfaces of the corner columns, where they were functionally superfluous, he answered: |
当他被问到为什么觉得在角柱的表面加上钢竖框是必要的,毕竟它们并没有在功能上起到什么实质性的作用时,他是这样回答的: |
102326 |
When he was teaching at MIT, he gave his class the problem of designing a grade school. |
他在麻省理工学院任教期间,给学生们出了一道设计题目:设计一所小学。 |
102327 |
When heard about this story, for being afraid of the capable people here to grab their country and to bring disaster to the rulers' generations, rulers built this Zhengang Pagoda and a temple to preserve the Feng Shui. |
统治者闻知此事,害怕此地真有能人来抢夺自己的江山,并殃及子孙,因此就在此地修建崇寿寺一座,并在寺院中建造了这座镇岗塔,以此镇住土岗的风水。 |