ID 原文 译文
102228 When calculating these proportions, no account shall be taken of any adjustments under Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost]. 在计算上述的各项百分比时,不考虑根据第13.7款[法规变化引起的调整]和第13.8款[费用变化引起的调整]所进行的任何调整。
102229 When certain harmonies have been attained, the work captures us. Architecture is a matter of 'harmonies', it is a 'pure creation of the spirit'". 建筑就是一种‘和谐’的事物,它是‘精神上的纯粹创造’(pure creation of the spirit)。”
102230 When changing the registered items, the fee of alternation registration is RMB 100. 变更登记事项的, 变更登记费为100元。
102231 When clients visited, friends would be roped in to pose as architects, to make Team 4 look like a larger concern than it was. 当客户来拜访时,我们会把其他朋友们拉出来,让他们摆出一副建筑师的样子,让小组四显得更有规模。
102232 When closing the royal courtyard at night, for example, the Garde? cossaise (founded in the fifteenth century, the company in fact boasted very few Scots by Louis XIV's time) cried out 'Hhay hha Mier' - seemingly a rendering of 'I am here' in a French version of a Scottish accent. 例如,当皇家庭院在夜晚关闭时,苏格兰卫队(组建于15世纪,到路易十四时期,部队中的苏格兰人实际上已经非常少了)会高呼口号,似乎是带有苏格兰口音的法语"我在这里"(Hhay hha Mier)。
102233 When collecting evidence, administrative organs may obtain evidence through sampling; 行政机关在收集证据时, 可以采取抽样取证的方法;
102234 When colour is added, as in the north chapel lit from the east, the space becomes truly theatrical: "This is always the problem of lighting (...) 当色彩加入之后,譬如说北面的祈祷室被东面射来的光照亮时,空间变得充满了真正的戏剧性:“这始终是采光的问题……
102235 When columns and beams cannot be revealed, architects like Mies and Belluschi resort to a sort of faux structure. Others choose to conceal structural members altogether, for the sake of dramatic visual effects. 当遇到柱和梁不能外露的情况时,像密斯和贝鲁斯基这样的建筑师就会采用“人造结构”的方式来表达结构;另外一些建筑师则选择隐藏建筑结构,为的是营造一种戏剧性的视觉效果。
102236 When companies forgo investment in equipment and people so that they can maximise dividends, they decrease productivity. 当企业停止对设备及人力进行投资,从而最大限度地提高股息时,生产率会因此下降。
102237 When complete, the moat will collect the runoff of the monsoon rains from the temple site, minimizing the upward surge of the water table. 护城河修建完工后,将会汇聚从寺庙场地的季风降雨的流量,最大限度的减少向上飙升的水位。