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102098 |
When I was sightseeing in the mountains of Fujian province, I found that their peaks were bald, trees were scarce, outcroppings were everywhere, old trees had twisted roots and gnarled trunks, and the mountainous terrain was there for all to see. I was able to identify the landscape with certain schools of painting and texturing techniques right away. |
余闽游观山,秃峰少木,石形外露,古根盘曲,而山势山貌毕露,分明能辨何家山水,何派皴法,能于实物中悟画法,可以画法来证实物。 |
102099 |
When I went back to collect my passport the next day, however, I was thrown into jail. |
第二天,我去拿护照时,被关进了监狱。 |
102100 |
When Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron were awarded the Pritzker Prize, Carlos Jimenez, a member of the jury, observed, "Much has been written about the architects' proficiency with materials, to the extent that their work might at times be perceived as an obsession with tactile properties, surface, or textural potential." |
当雅克•赫尔佐格和皮埃尔•德•梅隆被授予普利兹克奖的时候,评委会的成员之一卡洛斯•希门尼斯(Carlos Jimenez)评论说:“大家关于建筑师对材料的熟悉程度已经给出了很多的评论,但在某种程度上,他们的作品有时可能被视为一种对触觉特性、表皮或潜在纹理的执念。” |
102101 |
When Java converted to Islam, Borobudur was left abandoned to the jungle. |
在爪哇转而信仰伊斯兰教后,婆罗浮屠便受到冷落,在丛林中自生自灭。 |
102102 |
When Jiang Ji (fl. 18th century), the property's owner in the early years of Emperor Qianlong's reign, was digging a pond in the garden, he hit upon a fountainhead with water gushing out of it, which he delightfully named "Flying Snow Flakes." |
景德路环秀山庄,乾隆间蒋楫凿池得泉,名“飞雪”,亦是解决水源的好办法。 |
102103 |
When John Carrère and Thomas Hastings built resort hotels in St. Augustine, they adopted the Spanish Renaissance style, and Moorish Spain was the predominant influence on the eclectic work of Addison Mizner in Palm Beach. |
约翰•卡雷和托马斯•黑斯廷斯在圣奥古斯丁建造度假酒店时,采用了西班牙文艺复兴风格,摩尔人的西班牙建筑对阿迪森•米兹纳(Addison Mizner)在棕榈滩上的折中主义作品产生了主要的影响。 |
102104 |
When John Gibson gave a touch of colour to his 'Tinted Venus' in 1851, the Athenaeum magazine denounced it. She was 'a naked impudent English woman'. |
1851年,当约翰·吉布森在他设计的作品《染色的维纳斯》中尝试应用色彩时,《雅典娜》杂志对其进行批判,认为“她是一个赤身裸体的粗鲁英国女人”。 |
102105 |
When Kahn's friend Eero Saarinen saw the Richards Building, he asked, "Lou, do you consider this building an architectural or a structural success?" |
当康的朋友埃罗•沙里宁看到理查兹医学研究实验室时,他问道:“路易斯,你认为这栋建筑的成功属于建筑设计方面,还是结构方面?” |
102106 |
When Le Corbusier died in 1965, the backlash against Modernism was accelerating. |
勒·柯布西耶于1965年去世,反对现代主义的声音愈加强烈。 |
102107 |
When Lever had a magnificent art gallery built there in memory of his wife, it was in a patrician Neoclassical style, not the mock English vernacular of the tiny terraces. |
为纪念他的妻子,利华建造了一座华丽的艺术馆。艺术馆具有新古典主义贵族风格,并不是在讽刺英国本土的小露台。 |