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102068 |
When Guo Shou-jing was young, he used to be a student of Liu Bingzhong. As a scientist, Guo Shou-jing was not only good at astronomy and the science of calendar, but also specialized in surveying and water conservancy. |
郭守敬自幼从学于刘秉忠,精通天文历法,又长于测量,也是一位水利学家。 |
102069 |
When Guo returned to Beijing from Tianjin to seek retirement in 1860, he made a pleasant tour to the Pure Ripple Garden, a subsidiary garden of the Yuanming Yuan, in the company of several friends on an April day. |
当郭嵩焘于1860年从天津返回北京奏请开缺回乡的时候,他在一个四月天与几位友人一起到圆明园的别苑清漪园,作了一次愉快的游历。 |
102070 |
When Helen & Hard, a Norwegian firm, created their sensational Geopark for a sweeping, disused waterfront site in Stavanger, the country's largest oil-producing and shipping hub, they designed for people's egocentric experience by taking measure of younger children's bodies for a bubble-ball-filled jumping area and birdcage-like communal swing, while shepherding adolescent bikers and skateboarders toward a larger, gently inclined terrain park. |
在挪威最大的石油生产和航运枢纽城市斯塔万格,挪威Helen & Hard事务所在海边一块开阔的废弃场地上建造了一个引起轰动的地质公园。这个公园的设计考虑了人们的自我中心体验:依照小孩子的身体尺寸做海洋球池和吊篮藤椅,把骑自行车、玩滑板的青少年们赶到稍有坡度的更大区域(见图3-5)。 |
102071 |
When Hitler drove Modernism out, he also scotched a brief northern European experiment called Expressionism. |
当希特勒排斥现代主义时,他还阻挠了一场北欧的运动——表现主义。 |
102072 |
When I arrived at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in 1954, after a year at Epsom Art School (where I argued about philosophy as much as I studied art), it was the only school of modernist architecture in the UK, and the most important in Europe. |
在埃普索姆艺术学校学习了一年(我在那里争论过的哲学问题和我学的艺术一样多)后,一九五四年,我来到了建筑联盟学院,这是英国唯一的现代主义建筑学校,也是欧洲最重要的学校。罗伯特·福涅克斯·乔丹[26]是我第一年的导师,也是学校的前任校长。 |
102073 |
When I asked my mother whether this was true, she replied, 'Of course your roots are Jewish, but I've spent all my life getting away from religion.' |
我问母亲这是不是真的,她回复道:"当然,你血统上是犹太人,但我穷极一生都在远离宗教信仰。" |
102074 |
When I asked why not, one of them said: "Your appraisals are concerned only with bringing out a man's faults and weaknesses. |
我问起他们,他们告诉我说:“你们的考评制度,目的只是发现一个人的错误和弱点。 |
102075 |
When I chaired the Tate, I was envious of the ease with which US museums and galleries raised funds, but when I see their boards selected on the basis of wealth, I realise that they have lost something too. |
当我主持泰特美术馆的董事会时,就很羡慕美国博物馆和画廊筹集资金的便利,但当我看到他们的董事会成员是依据身价挑选时,我意识到他们也失去了一些东西。 |
102076 |
When I finally had the opportunity to see the building, I was disappointed to discover that this "prairie house" was actually in Hyde Park, an urban neighborhood on Chicago's South Side. |
当终于有机会看到这栋建筑时,我却很失望地发现,这个“草原之家”实际上位于芝加哥南区的海德公园里。建筑物坐落在一个进深不大的场地中,非常接近人行道。 |
102077 |
When I first met the mayor, I commented on the fact that almost everyone was travelling by bike in the city, meaning this as a compliment. |
我第一次见到市长的时候评论说,城里的人几乎都骑自行车。这其实是一种赞美。" |