ID 原文 译文
102048 When Buddhism was introduced to China, pomegranate was also brought along to China and grown by many residents in Luoyang and Chang'an. 石榴原产伊朗和中亚一带,在汉代同佛经、佛像一起传入中国,并多在洛阳、长安落户。
102049 When Burckhardt scrambled out of the dark, forbidding cold of the overgrown gorge, he suddenly found himself facing an extraordinary sight. The majestic Khazneh Firaoun loomed up in front of him. 当伯克哈特在黑暗上加速攀爬,以驱赶不断倾压过来的悬崖的寒冷感时,突然他发现自己正面对着一番非同寻常的场景。
102050 When Caesar conquered Gaul (later France) and then set his sights on Britain, the citizens of this proto-Europe may well have appreciated many of the innovations the invaders brought with them. 当恺撒打败高卢人(后来的法国)后,他又把目光投向了英国。
102051 When Cao Cao fought against Wuhuan, this river was used to carry grain. 曹操北征乌桓时曾用此河运粮。
102052 When Castile advanced on his northern territories, he headed south and took over Granada under circumstances that are shrouded in mystery. BENNISON: 当卡斯提尔国攻打到他的北边时,他来到南部,接管了充满神秘色彩的格拉纳达。
102053 When Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall was completed in July 1977, the people's square was further expanded and endowed with new significance, adding to the serenity and tranquility of the south end. 1977年7月毛主席纪念堂建成之后,又进一步扩建了人民广场,并赋予它以新的意义,增加了南半部肃穆宁静的气氛。
102054 When Chinese concessions were not forthcoming, the British decided to use force. 英国人见中方不会作出让步,决定动武。
102055 When Chrysler found out, he had Van Alen build the entire stainless steel spire destined for the Chrysler Building in secret in the elevator shaft, the stainless steel cladding hidden in five separate pieces. 当克莱斯勒发现了,他让范·阿伦在克莱斯勒大厦的电梯机井内秘密为该建筑建造整个不锈钢尖顶,将其分为五部分进行覆膜。
102056 When Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, Hagia Sophia became a mosque. 1453年,当君士坦丁堡被奥斯曼土耳其人占领后,圣索菲亚大教堂变成清真寺。
102057 When Czar Peter the Great of Russia visited in 1717 he looked avidly around the palace and gardens with little by way of supervision or diplomatic escort. 1717年,俄国的彼得大帝造访这里时,在几乎没有任何监督和外交人员陪同的情况下尽情游览了宫殿和园林。