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101927 What strikes us here is that the metaphysical aspect originates on the very level of the image, on the level of an image which disturbs the notions of a spatiality commonly considered to be able to reduce these disturbances and restore the mind to a statute of indifference to space that does not have to localize dramatic events. 令人吃惊的是形而上学方面的问题就从形象这个层面产生,从这样一个形象中产生,这个形象扰乱了空间性的相关概念,而空间性通常被认为有可能化解不安情绪,并在一个无处容纳冲突的空间中使精神回到不动心的状态。
101928 What the Nabataeans achieve here… 那巴泰人的成就与众不同…
101929 What the Romans knew was that arches placed end to end (an arcade) cancel out lateral force. Buttressing is needed only at the extremities. 罗马人都知道,拱形首末端相互连接(拱廊)抵消了双向压力,支礅只在末端使用。
101930 What the ancients called "a natural picture" means precisely that when you insist on an unsuitable site and hills where no hills should be, however skilfully you go about it the result is bound to jar…Here, plagiarism stands for what is described as "artificial" and "out of place" in a garden, whereas those which "follow the law of nature and capture the appeals of nature" stand for realness. 古人云:‘天然图画’四字,正恐非其地而强为其地,非其山而强为其山,即百般精巧,终非相宜。”所谓“人力造作”,所谓“穿凿”者,伪也。
101931 What the architects wanted to do was to have a dome suspended over… 朱利安·班尼特建筑师们要做的是,把一个穹顶悬在…
101932 What the company needed, clearly, was an energy strategy. 所以,该公司最需要的,是一项能源战略。
101933 What the executive needs are criteria which enable him to work on the truly important, that is, on contributions and results, even though the criteria are not found in the flow of events. 管理者需要的是一套判断标准,使他能够针对真正重要的事项去工作。但是在日常事务中,却找不到他们所需的标准。
101934 What the new paradigm of embodied or situated cognition reveals is that the built environment and its design matters far, far more than anybody, even architects, ever thought that it did. 具象认知和情境认知这个新范例,揭示了建成环境及其设计的影响远远大于任何人的认知,甚至包括建筑师曾以为的那样。
101935 What the piano teacher forgot to add - probably because it was so obvious to her - is that even the great pianists could not play Mozart as they do unless they practiced their scales and kept on practicing them. 回想起来,我的钢琴老师显然少说了一句:最伟大的钢琴家,如果不肯辛勤演练,也一定无法演奏莫扎特的曲子。
101936 What the prince had done, though, was valuable. 尽管如此,查尔斯王子所做的仍然很有价值。