ID 原文 译文
101907 What one sees is only the minimum necessary to hold things together. 人们所看到的只是这些配件最基本的连接功能。
101908 What ornament is, will without difficulty be determined by the application of the same test. 应用相同的测试,就可毫不费力地确定什么是装饰。
101909 What pause is so sweet as that-so full of the depth of ancient days, so softened with the calm of pastoral solitude? 有什么样的休息能够如此甜美--如此充满古代岁月的深度,因寂寥的田园而变得如此温柔?
101910 What power of light these primal arrangements left, was diminished in successive refinements and additions of ornament; and continued to diminish through Roman work, until the confirmation of the circular arch as a decorative feature. 这些原始的设计所留下的光明的力量因为装饰的次第增加而减弱,并且在罗马建筑中一直在减弱,直到圆拱作为一种装饰特征得到确认为止。
101911 What power! It's dynamic (...) 它是富于动态变化的……
101912 What psychology lies behind their locks and keys! 在它们的锁后面藏着怎样的心理学啊!
101913 What pugnacity on the part of Le Corbusier! 勒•柯布西耶是多么好斗啊!
101914 What really matters is to make sure that the visitor does not mind the largeness of a garden because he is not fatigued by its compact dispositions, and that he does not mind the smallness of a garden because its spaciousness contains something of everything for his appreciation. This is why gardens should provide for both in-situ and in-motion viewing, which helps make a large place look small and a small place large. 紧凑不觉其大,游无倦意,宽绰不觉局促,览之有物,故以静、动观园,有缩地扩基之妙。
101915 What remains to be explored is how the spaces and places that individual minds and bodies, within social institutions, design and construct could be made healthier, more vibrant, more inspiring communities and societies. 仍然有待探索的是,个人心理和身体在社会机构内设计和建造的空间和场所,如何能打造成更健康、更有生气、更鼓舞人心的社区和社会。
101916 What scholars observe is well defined in a body of thoughts and experiments. 学者所观察的东西是在思维和实验的材料中被精确定义的。