ID 原文 译文
101807 What has Kahn done and why? 路易斯o康做了什么?
101808 What has rendered this supernatural feat possible is a bridge for which nothing in this setting has prepared us - a perfectly massive yet perfectly delicate concrete bridge, marred by not the slightest stain or impurity, which can only have been dropped from the air by the gods, for we cannot imagine that there would be anywhere in this forsaken spot for humans to rest their tools. 使这项超自然的神奇技艺成为可能的是一座桥--我们在这样的环境中怎么都不可能想到会存在的一座桥--一座绝对庞大而又绝对优雅的水泥桥,桥身没有一丝一毫的污迹或杂质,只可能是诸神从天上抛掷下来,因为我们实在无法想象,在这个被遗弃的所在人类会有任何可以立足和放置工具之处。
101809 What he cannot do is a limitation and nothing else. 而他不能做什么,则仅是他的限制,仅此而已。
101810 What he found was extraordinary by any standards: a warren of interlocking courtyards, apartments, storage chambers and rooms built over several stories on a wooded hillside. 不论以何种标准衡量,他所发现的都是令人惊奇的:布满连环的庭院、公寓、储藏室,以及建在树木丛生的山坡上的多层房屋。
101811 What he had done in the last 50 years is--is--is not only just transformed St. Paul's itself, but transformed the idea of what an architect should be, as well as transformed the idea of what British architecture should be. 利奥·霍利斯:过去50年里他所做的,不仅改变了圣保罗大教堂本身,也改变了所谓建筑师的定义,同时也改变了英国建筑的风格。
101812 What holds for our attachment to homes pertains to our attachments to society's many other institutions, urban areas, and landscapes as well. 我们对家的依恋所适用的规则,同样适用于对社会其他许多机构、城区、风景的依恋。
101813 What if all neighborhoods were vibrant and socially inviting? 如果所有片区(neighborhood)都充满活力、让人向往,又会是什么情况呢?
101814 What if everyone's house or apartment looked onto or was within walking distance of a well-designed and well-maintained park? 如果每个人的居所,不论是小住宅还是公寓,都能看到或者方便步行到设计和养护得都很好的公园呢?
101815 What if it catches fire? 万一着火了怎么办呢?
101816 What if they all had convenient access to reliable, affordable, comfortable public transportation? 如果所有片区都有便捷、可靠、实惠、舒适的公共交通工具呢?