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101727 |
What a contrast between the pitiful little pigeon-holes which stand for doors in the east front of Salisbury, looking like the entrances to a beehive or a wasp's nest, and the soaring arches and kingly crowning of the gates of Abbeville, Rouen, and Rheims, or the rock-hewn piers of Chartres, or the dark and vaulted porches and writhed pillars of Verona! |
看看索尔斯伯利那个像可怜的小鸽巢一般的东大门,看上去就和蜂巢的出入口一样,再看看阿贝维也尔、鲁昂和理姆斯大门的高耸入云的拱顶和庄严的门顶,或者看看沙特尔用岩石凿成的扶垛,看看维罗纳的昏暗带有穹顶的露台和盘曲的立柱,它们形成了多么鲜明的对比啊!有关家居,还有什么必要再谈论? |
101728 |
What a difference between these two movements of expression! |
这两种表达方式多么不同! |
101729 |
What a fine ear this poet has! |
这位诗人的耳朵是多么敏锐! |
101730 |
What a fine passage for those who are always looking for primal interests! |
我们面前是一篇多么优美的寻找原初乐趣的文章! |
101731 |
What a host of ugly church towers have we in England, with pinnacles at the corners, and none in the middle! |
千万不能只有小塔尖而没有大塔尖。在我们英国,教堂的四角有尖塔,而中央却没有,多么丑陋啊! |
101732 |
What a refuge for ambivalence! Here is a dreamer who is happy to be sad, content to be alone, waiting. |
梦想者因为忧伤而幸福,因为孤独和等待而高兴。 |
101733 |
What a strange sense of formalised deformity, of shrivelled precision, of starved accuracy, of minute misanthropy have we, as we leave even the rude streets of Picardy for the market towns of Kent! |
当我们甚至在离开辟卡迪(Picardy)鄙陋的街道前往肯特郡的市场城市时,我们会拥有一种多么奇怪感觉:形式化的畸形、枯萎的精确、饥饿的准确和些许的遁世。 |
101734 |
What a vegetal Atlas! |
植物界的阿特拉斯神啊! |
101735 |
What about a site where the entrance is approached obliquely and hence is less visible? |
但如果建筑处在一个不那么明显的场地呢?入口就应该因此被削弱吗? |
101736 |
What about designers? |
设计师呢? |