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101536 |
We wanted to create a modern building, but one that fitted with the complex fabric of the city, rather than seeking to obliterate it, with the contempt for traditional street patterns seen in utopian plans like Le Corbusier's Plan Voisin. |
我们想带着对传统街道模式的蔑视--在诸如勒·柯布西耶的"瓦赞计划"这样的乌托邦式规划中,常常体现出这种蔑视,我们想创造一座现代化的建筑,它会与城市的复杂结构相适应,而不是试图改变这种结构。 |
101537 |
We wanted to create buildings that took advantage of industrialised technology, that were general purpose not tailor-made, so that the same shell could cater for different clients' needs or for one client's needs changing over time. |
我们想要创造出能够利用工业化技术的建筑,它能满足一般人的需求,而不是为谁量身定做的;可以用相同的外壳满足不同客户的需求,还可以满足客户随时间变化的需求。 |
101538 |
We wanted to develop a language that could respond to Wright's ideas - about light, landscape and movement - without simply mimicking his particular style or his forms. |
我们想要开发一种设计语言,能够对赖特的思想--光、风景和运动--进行回应,而不只是简单地模仿他的特定风格或形式。 |
101539 |
We wanted to give London - 32 towns without a town square - the type of shared civic space that a capital city deserved. |
我们想给伦敦--其下属的三十二个镇都没有公共广场--创造一个首都应该享有的公共空间。 |
101540 |
We wanted to use the network of canals and waterways in the Lea Valley as a new connective infrastructure, creating a 'Water City' based on canal-side living, with the Olympics acting as a catalyst for change right down to the Royal Docks. |
我们希望将利河谷区的运河和水道网络作为一种新的基础连接设施,创建一座基于河畔生活的"水城",并将奥运会作为变革的催化剂,把改变引入皇家码头。 |
101541 |
We welcome an appearance of lightness, or even daintiness, in the face of downward pressure - columns which seem to offer us a metaphor of how we, too, should like to stand in relation to our burdens. |
面对沉重的压力,我们欢迎那些看似轻盈,甚或优美的柱子--它们就仿佛是我们该如何承受自身义务的一种隐喻。 |
101542 |
We welcome man-made environments which grant us an impression of regularity and predictability, on which we can rely to rest our minds. |
我们欢迎那些能够给我们规律性和可预测性感觉的人造环境,是因为我们的精神可以倚靠它得到安置和憩息。 |
101543 |
We went back and forth in incredibly complex negotiations, far beyond anything we had dealt with before; it was like landing on Mars. |
我们在极其复杂的谈判中来来回回,难度远远超出我们之前处理过的任何项目,简直堪比登陆火星。 |
101544 |
We went on to use similar panel systems at Parkside, and on projects like the Universal Oil Products Factory in Surrey and the extension (nicknamed the 'Yellow Submarine') that we built on the roof of the Design Research Unit's Aybrook Street offices, where the yellow panels contrasted with the fluorescent pink fire escapes. |
我们继续使用类似的面板系统,例如在园景小屋、在萨里的通用石油产品工厂、在设计研究单位的艾布鲁克街道办事处的屋顶扩建部分(绰号"黄色潜水艇"--其黄色面板与荧光粉色的防火梯形成了鲜明对比)上。 |
101545 |
We went to see Kahn himself lecture in Pennsylvania, where he had moved a few years before. |
我们去宾夕法尼亚州听了康的演讲,几年前他就搬到了那里。 |