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101516 |
We used neoprene, a type of rubber that was a new technology at that time (I think we were among the first to use it), for the joints between blocks and glazing. |
我们继续使用氯丁橡胶作为混凝土块和玻璃的接合剂,这种橡胶在当时是一种新技术发明(我认为我们是第一批使用者)。 |
101517 |
We used these service towers to articulate and give scale to the building, to enrich the skyline, to anchor the rectangle in the site, and to enable easy and non-disruptive replacement and maintenance of everything from toilets, to the cabling that was needed for rapidly changing IT systems - this was the dawn of the digital era. |
这种服务塔的设计既能展示建筑的规模,丰富城市的天际线,保持场地的矩形形状,又能够在不妨碍业务展开的前提下轻松更换和维护所有东西--从厕所到快速变化的IT系统所需的电缆--这是数字时代的破晓。 |
101518 |
We used to weld pipes with direct current (D. C) are welder (alternating current A. C. welder). |
我们总是用直流(交流)电弧焊机焊接管子。 |
101519 |
We used to weld pipes with direct current (D. C) are welder (alternating current A.C. |
我们总是用直流(交流)电弧焊机焊接管子。 |
101520 |
We usually measure the strength of concrete at days after which has been cast. |
我们通常在混凝土灌注后28天测定其强度。 |
101521 |
We usually tend to overrate rather than underrate our importance and to conclude that far too many things can only be done by ourselves. |
人总有一种倾向,高估自己地位的重要性,认为许多事非躬亲不可。 |
101522 |
We usually use elbow (bend, flange, tee, reducer) as a kind of pipe fitting. |
我们常用弯头(弯管、法兰、三通、大小关)作为一种管件。 |
101523 |
We value certain buildings for their ability to rebalance our misshapen natures and encourage emotions which our predominant commitments force us to sacrifice. |
我们珍视特定建筑的原因在于它们能够使我们已然畸形的本性重新恢复平衡,并激励起我们必须首要处理的俗务迫使我们牺牲掉的那些情感。 |
101524 |
We venerate the temple as a noble ruin that speaks of peace and antiquity. But we are far from seeing it as the ancient Greeks did. |
我们尊称神庙为述说着和平和古物的高贵的废墟,但我们却与希腊人对它的看法远远不同。 |
101525 |
We visited towns and cities in the Netherlands, Spain and Germany, as well as England. |
我们参观了荷兰、西班牙、德国以及英国的城镇和城市。 |