ID 原文 译文
101496 We think too much in our benevolent efforts, more multiplied and more vain day by day, of bettering men by giving them advice and instruction. 我们的慈善之举逐日增多,日见徒劳;在这些善举中,我们过多地考虑如何通过提供建议和教育来使人得到进步。
101497 We thought that the relationship between all team members should be more like a multi-dimensional game of ping pong, where you are constantly generating and responding to ideas, adjusting, returning, discussing. 我们认为所有团队成员之间的关系,应该更像在打一局多维的乒乓球比赛,参赛者应该不断地产生、回应想法,调整,回归,讨论。
101498 We thought the whole project might be cancelled, but the move to rename the Beaubourg Plateau Cultural Centre as the Centre Georges Pompidou was a tactical masterstroke. 我们认为整个项目可能会被取消,但将"蓬皮杜高地文化中心"更名为"乔治·蓬皮杜中心"的举动是一个杰出的战术。
101499 We took a cargo boat to Israel during our honeymoon - still a young country and looking like a socialist utopia, creating orange groves out of the desert - where we worked on a kibbutz and met some of the state's founders. 在蜜月期间,我们乘船去了以色列--当时它还是一个年轻的国家,看起来像一个社会主义乌托邦,在沙漠中创造出了橙色的果园。我们在这儿的集体农场里干活儿,并见到了一些以色列的创始人。
101500 We took this request for a strategy literally, unlike our competitors who jumped straight to design or presented previous projects. 我们完全按照他们的要求提供了建筑方案,不像我们的竞争对手那样直接就开始设计或展示之前做过的项目。
101501 We translated the lion's share of them on our own and enjoyed doing it very much, as we regarded them as the most meaningful and challenging part of the entire translation project. But at the same time we have also quoted from the peerless works by some of the world's elite translators, including James Legge's Book of Poetry, The Four Books, and The Yi King; Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang's A Dream of Red Mansions and David Hawkes' The Story of the Stone: a Chinese Novel; Cyril Birch's The Peony Pavilion; Leonard Pratt and Chiang Su-Hui's Six Records of a Floating Life; Alison Hardie's The Craft of Gardens; and Yang Xiaoshan's A Record of the Celebrated Gardens of Luoyang. 我们自己翻译了大部分并乐享其中,同时也引用了世界顶级译者的译作以增添风采,包括理雅各的《诗经》《四书》《易经》;杨宪益、戴乃迭的《红楼梦》,霍克斯的《石头记》,白芝的《牡丹亭》,白伦和江素惠的《浮生六记》,艾丽森•哈迪的《园冶》,杨晓山的《洛阳名园记》等。
101502 We transverse an alpine landscape so ravishing that it practically commands us to concede that nature never did need us and never will. 途中有一处高山风景,那种极致的自然美几乎让我们不得不承认,自然从来不需要我们,也永远不会需要我们。
101503 We travelled across the country, wondering at the sense of space, but also at the poverty and intolerance that persisted in the segregated southern states, where even the smallest gas station would have separate bathrooms for blacks and whites. 我们在全国各地旅行,为这个国家的广阔而惊叹,但也看到种族隔离的南方各州仍然存在贫困和歧视。在那里,即使是最小的加油站,也会为黑人和白人分别设立洗手间。
101504 We travelled in Carl Abbott's VW to New York, and to Chicago, which we thought of as the Florence of the States, where we visited buildings by Wright and Mies, Louis Sullivan and the early modern pioneers. 我们乘坐卡尔·阿伯特的大众汽车到纽约,又去了芝加哥(我们认为它是美国的佛罗伦萨),在那里参观了赖特、密斯、路易斯·沙利文和早期的现代主义建筑师的建筑作品。
101505 We traverse crumbling bridges and corroded, eroding pipes that occasionally blast their way into the public awareness. 我们跨过的桥梁表皮剥落,我们路过的管道锈迹斑斑,但我们也只是偶尔关注一下它们。