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101486 |
We swapped the elegantly furnished flat with a view over Florentine rooftops for a single room in a boarding house in Bayswater, with a coin meter for the heating and a bath in a cupboard that we used to fill with hot water to take the edge off the flat's chill. |
我们的住所,从能一览佛罗伦萨美景的房子换成了位于贝斯沃特[6]的公寓中的一个单间([6]伦敦的一个地区,位于伦敦西部。)。 |
101487 |
We take an annual trip together to see one of our newly-completed buildings and spend a weekend eating and drinking, and thinking about our future. |
我们每年都会一起去看我们刚完工的建筑,花一个周末的时间来吃吃喝喝、思考未来。 |
101488 |
We talk nearly every day about buildings, art and design. |
我们几乎每天都在谈论建筑、艺术和设计。 |
101489 |
We tend to feel that there is no need to give an account of ordinary things, because their ordinariness means that they are not worth our attention. |
对于普通事物我们往往觉得没有解释的必要,因为它们太普通,不值得关注。 |
101490 |
We tend to look at it by the standards of sculpture, and are willing to enjoy its shapes for their own sake, regardless of the fact that they do not reflect the way the building is used internally, or articulate the means of contruction. |
我们往往透过雕塑的标准来看待它,我们也愿意因为这些造型的缘故来欣赏其造型,尽管在事实上这些造型并没有反映出建筑内部的使用情况,也没有清晰地表现其建构方法。 |
101491 |
We tested the view from Blackheath in the south and Parliament Hill in the north. |
我们分别在南部的布莱克希思和北部的国会山上考察了其视觉效果。 |
101492 |
We then do exactly the same on the diagonal from this corner. |
然后在这个角用对角线再同样与垂线重合。 |
101493 |
We then return to the natural activity of our magnifying being. |
于是我们被放回到我们使事物放大的存在的自然活动中。 |
101494 |
We therefore refrain from raising of the tower block, the new antique village or the riverside mansion that most basic and incensed of political questions: 'Who did this?' |
因此,我们也就控制自己不向一座公寓大楼、新建的过时村庄或是河畔大厦提出那个最基本也最令人气愤的政治问题:"到底是谁干的?" |
101495 |
We think of great engineering structures as characteristically Roman. |
我们认为伟大的工程建筑是典型的罗马建筑。 |