ID 原文 译文
101396 We shall discuss the remarkable revelations of a recent laser scan survey of the Stones' surfaces in the next chapter. 我们会在下一章中谈到近几年对巨石阵表面进行激光扫描取得的新发现。
101397 We shall do our best. 尽力做好
101398 We shall examine each element of the Wall in more detail, but it is worth noting that in its original and modified designs, Hadrian's Wall was a formidable obstacle to unauthorised movement. 我们应更仔细地检查长城的每一处细节,但值得注意的是,无论是在原始设计还是在修改后的设计中,哈德良长城始终都是无权通行者的庞大阻碍。
101399 We shall finish the civil work by the end of the year. 在年底前我们将完成土建工作。
101400 We shall finish the civil work by the end of the year. CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY 在年底前我们将完成土建工作。
101401 We shall give the machine another trial at o'clock. 我们将在十点钟把这台机器再试一次。
101402 We shall have a design collecting (preliminary design, final design) meeting next month. 下个月我们将召开设计数据收集(初步设计、最终设计)会议.
101403 We shall have to apply ourselves increasingly to studying how, by means of the house, the warm substance of intimacy resumes its form, the same form that it had when it enclosed original warmth. 我们必须不断地研究内心空间的温柔质料如何通过家宅重新找回它的形式,它在包裹一股原初的热量时所具有的形式:
101404 We shall have various proofs of this if we follow the daydreams that the single word vast inspired in Baudelaire. 我们会有各种各样的例证,只要我们随着在波德莱尔的灵魂里展开的梦想,在宽广这个共同主题下的梦想。
101405 We shall meet again tomorrow morning. 我们明天早上接着开会。