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101296 We no longer look at it while looking through it. 我们不再透过它看世界。
101297 We no more favour delusion in our built environment than we do in individuals. 去创造那些丝毫不能反映我们占据主流的道德或理想的设计,我们也会感觉很不舒服。
101298 We now appreciate that there was a more fundamental motive behind the transport of stones over great distances than movement for its own sake. 我们现在已经了解到,将石头从遥远的地方搬运过来并不只是为了使用,而是有更加深层的目的。
101299 We now know a good deal more about the Middle Ages, and would not want to write off the architecture so readily. 关于"中世纪"我们现在已经有了更多的了解,也不会想要将这一时代的建筑一笔抹杀。尽管如此,这样的一个时期划分依然存在。
101300 We now know that the number of people who returned to what by 9000 BC were the rapidly forming British Isles was substantial, and certainly much larger than had been thought in the 1950s and 1960s. 我们现在知道,公元前9000年左右,不列颠群岛正迅速成形,而那段时间里返回的人数量巨大,远远超过20世纪五六十年代时的估计。
101301 We now know that there is an archaeological site in almost every square quarter mile of Britain, so it is hardly surprising that some can be linked by straight lines. 我们现在已经知道,在不列颠,几乎每0.16平方千米就有一座考古遗迹,因此其中一些能够以直线相连也不是什么值得大惊小怪的事。
101302 We now know that these surface marks are a very pale reflection of what still lies below the surface. 这些地表痕迹只能隐约提示地表之下隐藏的秘密。
101303 We now know, for example, that the cerebellum, which coordinates sensory input with muscular responses, is also involved in processing emotions. 但现在我们知道,协调感觉输入与肌肉反应的小脑也参与情绪加工。
101304 We now realize, however, that some of the charcoal could have come from the centre, the oldest part, of a growing tree and some could have come from below the bark; this was wood which had just formed when the tree was felled and there could be hundreds of years between the two. 不过我们现在意识到,一部分松炭可能来自一棵正在生长的树正中间的部分,而另一部分可能来自树木刚刚倒下时形成的树皮下面,两者之间差了大概几百年的光景。
101305 We now understand that the Neolithic was a time of rapid social, economic and intellectual development. People were thinking about their lives and their surroundings in new and very different ways. 我们已经知道了新石器时代是一个见证了社会、经济和智力快速发展的阶段,当时的人类正以全新的方式思考着他们的生活以及周边的环境。