ID 原文 译文
101276 We need an architecture that responds to the challenges facing our society today, which recognises that the compact city based around public transport, walking and cycling is the only sustainable way to live. 我们的建筑需要能对当今社会所面临的挑战做出反应,它能认识到以公共交通、自行车和步行为基础的紧凑型城市设计是唯一可持续的生活方式。
101277 We need but remember the employment of the Laced? monians, reported by the Persian spy on the evening before the battle of Thermopyl? 我们只需记住波斯间谍在塞莫皮莱(Thermopyl?)
101278 We need leaders who can help us see the problems inequality is causing, who can help us work towards a more equal society. 我们需要能够帮助我们看到造成不平等问题的原因的领导人,他们可以帮助我们朝着更加平等的社会前进。
101279 We need not consider it, consequently, in a doctrine of pure imagination. 所以我们不应该在纯粹想象的领域中设想它。
101280 We need not follow all the convergent proofs that the reader can find in this work by Gaston Paris. 我们不需要一一举出读者在加斯东o帕里斯的著作中能够找到的所有融为一体的例证。
101281 We need our rooms to align us to desirable versions of ourselves and to keep alive the important, evanescent sides of us. 我们需要我们的房间使我们不致偏离我们理想的自我并使我们那些重要的、易于迷失的侧面生生不息。
101282 We need panels of gold and lapis, windows of coloured glass and gardens of immaculately raked gravel in order to stay true to the sincerest parts of ourselves. 为了跟我们最诚挚的部分不离不弃,我们需要镶金裹翠的嵌板、彩绘的玻璃窗以及砾石路铺砌得完美无瑕的花园。
101283 We need the discipline offered by similarity, as children need regular bedtimes and familiar, bland foods. 我们需要由相似性提供的规则,正如小孩子需要规律的就寝时间和相近而又温和的食物。
101284 We need to clearly recognise its dysfunction and the lies we are told about what is going wrong. 我们需要清楚地认识到旧有体系的功能性障碍,认识到在这个世界的种种问题上我们被告知了哪些谎言。
101285 We need to familiarize ourselves with the music's sound-world, so that we have a sense of what sound sequences are possible, and then we can listen in a way where we can be happy with our immediate responses, so that one can be prepared for listening to a piece by Mozart by knowing other compositions by him; but familiarity with Mozart's polished elegance would not be enough preparation to be able to enjoy one's first hearing of a piece by Bartok, with complex astringent harmonies and the lively irregular rhythms of Hungarian folk dances. 我们需要让自己熟悉音乐的声音世界,这样我们就对可能出现什么样的声音序列有一定了解,然后,我们在聆听音乐的时候就会对自己的第一反应感到愉悦,因而一个人能够通过了解莫扎特创作的其他曲子来欣赏一曲莫扎特的音乐;但是如果要在第一次听巴托克〔9〕(Bartok)的曲子时就能够喜欢他的音乐,只熟悉莫扎特音乐中的高雅是不够的,因为巴托克的音乐中伴有复杂而晦涩的和声以及匈牙利民间舞蹈中充满活力的不规则韵律。(〔9〕比拉·巴托克(1881-1945),匈牙利作曲家,20世纪最重要的作曲家之一,其音乐中揉和了匈牙利民间音乐及当代音乐的影响和他个人的独特风格,1945年9月他于纽约逝世。)