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1003 1 The design maximum speed shall not be exceeded. 1 不应大于设计允许的最高速度。
1004 1 The design of soil slope shall protect and administrate the environment of slope, the water system of slope shall be best used according to the circumstances, surface drainage system shall be provided and internal drainage system shall be installed during slope engineering. 1 边坡设计应保护和整治边坡环境,边坡水系应因势利导,设置地表排水系统,边坡工程应设内部排水系统。
1005 1 The design shall guarantee the safety and functions of all structures; 1 应满足结构安全和功能的要求;
1006 1 The design value Xd of the performance X may be expressed as follows if X follows normal distribution: 1 当性能X服从正态分布时,其设计值Xd可写成如下形式:
1007 1 The design value for the bearing axial force of the existing column (Nm) and the design value for the bending moment (Mm) shall be calculated according to the following formulae: 1 原柱承受的轴向力设计值Nm和弯矩设计值Mm应按下列公式进行计算:
1008 1 The design value of action effects of the fundamental combination may adopt simplification rule and calculated in accordance with the following formula: 1 基本组合的效应设计值可采用简化规则,应按下式进行计算:
1009 1 The design value of an action, Fd, may be determined as follows: 1 作用的设计值Fd可按下式确定:
1010 1 The design value of effect of a basic combination may be determined as follows: 1 基本组合的效应设计值可按下式确定:
1011 1 The design value of effect of a combination of actions shall be the unfavorable value obtained from equation (8.2.4-1) and the following equation: 1 作用组合的效应设计值应按式(8.2.4-1)及下式中最不利值确定:
1012 1 The design value of effect of a seismic combination should be determined according to the seismic action (basic intensity) with return period of 475 years, and it shall meet the following requirements: 1 地震组合的效应设计值,宜根据重现期为475年的地震作用(基本烈度)确定,其效应设计值应符合下列规定: