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101216 We might also say that writers let us read their treasure-boxes, it being understood that a well-calculated geometrical description is not the only way to write "a box." 同样,我们也可以说作家把他们的箱子给我们阅读。我们的意思是,我们不只是在精确几何学描述的层面上才可以写"一个箱子"。
101217 We might ask why, for some three centuries in the early-modern period, artists were applauded chiefly insofar as they could produce landscapes, people and buildings that were free of ordinary blemishes. 我们可以探究一下为什么在前现代时期长达三个世纪的时间里,艺术家之受到欢迎正是因为他们能够创造出丝毫没有日常瑕疵的风景、人物和建筑。
101218 We might be thrilled by it, or calmed, feel challenged or charmed, but if we do not pay attention to those responses and cultivate them, then architecture dies in us, and the built world is an arid place. 一座建筑可能让我们感到震撼、平静,或者感受到了某种挑战,或者为之倾倒,但若我们对这种种的反应毫不注意,而且也不是有意识地培养这些反应,那么建筑就会离我们而去,人们所建构的世界就会变成一片乏味的荒漠。
101219 We might define genuinely beautiful objects as those endowed with sufficient innate assets as to withstand our positive or negative projections. 我们可以将真正美丽的建筑定义为赋有足够多先天的优点,足以经受住我们不论正面还是负面的心理投射的建筑。
101220 We might even follow the example of the Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, who in the late eighteenth century had a thirty-foot-high Neoclassical obelisk erected on a hill on the outskirts of Plymouth, in memory of an unusually sensitive pig called Cupid, whom she did not hesitate to call a true friend. 我们甚至有可能步芒特·埃奇库姆伯爵夫人的后尘,这位夫人在十八世纪后期于普利茅斯郊外的一座小山上竖起了一块高三十英尺的新古典主义风格的方尖碑,不过是为了纪念一头非同寻常敏感的叫丘比特的猪,她丝毫不觉踌躇地将其称为她真正的朋友。
101221 We might even, the early theologians suggested, come better to understand God through beauty, for it was He who had created every beautiful thing in the world: the eastern sky at dawn, the forests, the animals, and even more domestic items like a graceful armchair, a bowl of lemons and a ray of afternoon sun shining through a cotton window blind onto the kitchen table. 早期神学家们暗示,经由"美"甚至可能使我们更透彻地理解"主",因为创造了世间众美的正是他:晨曦中的东天,森林,动物,甚至室内的物品诸如扶手椅,一碗柠檬以及透过棉布窗帘射到餐桌上的一缕午后的阳光。
101222 We might expand this second group to include environmental scientists and ecologists. 我们也可以将第二个群体扩大,把环境科学家和生态学家包括进来。
101223 We might expect that it would, by now, have grown as easy to reproduce a city with the appeal of Bath as it is to manufacture consistent quantities of blueberry jam. 时至今日,我们也许已经期待能像生产品质稳定可靠的蓝莓果酱一样容易地重造一个跟巴思一样吸引人的城市了。
101224 We might expect the house to have been recognised as one of the superlative buildings of contemporary London, an Anglo-Saxon heir to the Villa Rotonda, and yet, in reality, the structure has garnered less flattering verdicts and, among the more forthright, outright ridicule. 我们也许该期望这幢房子已被公认为当代伦敦最优秀的建筑之一,被认为圆厅别墅的盎格鲁-撒克逊后继者了,可事实上,这幢建筑得到的更多是直白斩截的嘲笑而非赞美奉承的定评。
101225 We might feel ashamed if our head of state lived in an apartment with inexpensive catalogue furniture, but in another mood might resent the extravagant costs involved in furnishing high-status accommodation from the public purse. 如果我们的国家领导人住的公寓里放的是廉价的、批量生产的家具,我们会感到没有面子。但如果政府花巨资装饰高标准住所我们也会感到愤愤不平。