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101186 |
We may decide that we hate nineteenth-century Gothic, for instance, because it characterised a house in which we were unhappy at university, or revile Neoclassicism (as exemplified by the German Ambassador's Residence or by the work of the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel) because it had the misfortune to be favoured by the Nazis. |
比如说,也许我们决定讨厌十九世纪的哥特式建筑,只不过因为它碰巧跟我们在大学里待得很不开心的一幢房子是同一种风格,或者我们之所以谩骂新古典主义(以德国大使馆或建筑师卡尔·弗里德里希·申克尔的作品为典范)是因为它曾不幸为纳粹所喜。 |
101187 |
We may flee from inner-city dereliction and take to the suburbs, but in so doing we extend the urban sprawl into the countryside. |
我们可以逃离市中心,搬到郊区去,但这样做,只会把郊区也变成杂乱无章的城市。 |
101188 |
We may have one Van Eyck, who will be known as the introducer of a new style once in ten centuries, but he himself will trace his invention to some accidental bye-play or pursuit; and the use of that invention will depend altogether on the popular necessities or instincts of the period. Originality depends on nothing of the kind. |
我们也许拥有一个范埃克(Van Eyck),此人以每千年推出一种新风格而闻名于世,但是他自己却认为自己的发明起因于偶然的业余活动或者追求;那种发明的使用完全取决于那时期流行的必需品和本能。 |
101189 |
We may hesitate in determining the exact level of disruption, we may also remain for a long time in the domain of the confusing passions that perturb poetry. |
我们可能在精确地确定断裂层面这一问题上犹豫不决,我们可能在困扰着诗歌的混杂激情这一领域内长久停留。 |
101190 |
We may hope that it will connect us to the past or stand as a symbol of the future, and we would complain, no less than we would about a malfunctioning bathroom, if this second, aesthetic, expressive level of function were left unattended. |
我们会希望它将我们与过去联系起来或者成为未来的一种符号,面对一个出了故障的浴室我们会抱怨,而如果位于第二位的美学与情感层面的功能丝毫未曾触及的话我们同样也会抱怨。 |
101191 |
We may ignore the path built for us by a landscape architect in order to trace out our own shortcut - just as our children may find it more amusing to play around a car-park ventilation shaft than on a purpose-built playground. |
我们会对景观设计师专为我们修建的小径视而不见,特意去抄我们自己的小道--正像我们的孩子可能觉得在一个停车场的通风井里玩要比在特意修建的游乐场里更开心一样。 |
101192 |
We may know that a dearth of fresh air or a paucity of greenery or a scarcity of natural light degrades the moods of people vulnerable to depression. |
我们可能知道,缺乏新鲜空气、缺乏绿色植物或缺乏自然光,会让容易抑郁的人心情低落。 |
101193 |
We may live without her, and worship without her, but we cannot remember without her. |
没有建筑,我们照样可以生活,没有建筑,我们照样可以崇拜,但是没有建筑,我们就会失去记忆。 |
101194 |
We may make a judgement based on what they symbolise rather than on what they are. |
我们可能是基于其象征而非其自身来做出判断。 |
101195 |
We may need to have made an indelible mark on our lives, to have married the wrong person, pursued an unfulfilling career into middle age or lost a loved one before architecture can begin to have any perceptible impact on us, for when we speak of being 'moved' by a building, we allude to a bitter-sweet feeling of contrast between the noble qualities written into a structure and the sadder wider reality within which we know them to exist. |
也许只有当我们已经在自己的生活中烙上了无法抹去的印记,有过一次失败的婚姻、一直人到中年都壮志未酬或痛失爱人之后,建筑才会开始给予我们某些货真价实的影响,因为当我们说到被一幢建筑"感动"时,也正是暗示一种由化身为建筑结构的高贵品质与我们明知存在这一品质的更悲哀、更广阔的现实之间的对比产生的一种苦乐参半的感情。 |