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101176 |
We loved the canyons, beaches and palm trees, but I found LA too car-dominated and sprawling, lacking the humanism of more compact cities. |
我们喜欢加州的峡谷、海滩和棕榈树,但我发现洛杉矶汽车太多,太过拥挤且杂乱无序。 |
101177 |
We made contact with three young architects who had founded Chrysalis in California to develop radical lightweight structures - Alan Stanton (who had previously worked with Norman Foster), Mike Davies and Chris Dawson. |
我们与三位年轻的建筑师取得了联系--分别是艾伦·斯坦顿(曾与诺曼·福斯特合作过)、迈克·戴维斯和克里斯·道森,他们在加利福尼亚创办了蝶蛹公司,旨在开发激进的轻型结构。 |
101178 |
We managed to switch venue to Westminster Central Hall and around 15,000 people came to the seven debates, with taxi drivers and market traders joining in the conversation alongside architects and planners. |
后来我们设法将活动地点改到了威斯敏斯特中心大厅,七场辩论大约共吸引了一万五千人,参与者包括出租车司机、市场交易员、建筑师和规划师。 |
101179 |
We mapped high streets and town centres too, identifying more than 600 across London as hidden opportunities: if infill and retrofitting could find space for 100 more units in each, we would shore up the vitality of these places, and build 60,000 more homes. |
我们还绘制了商业大街和城镇中心的地图,将全伦敦六百多个这样的地方视为隐藏的机遇:如果经过补充和翻新,在每个地方找到可供修建一百多套住房的空间,我们就可以增强这些地方的活力,并建造六万多套住房。 |
101180 |
We marvel at Cloud Gate's transformation of our sense of ourselves in relation to Chicago's cityscape. At how MAS theatrically enmeshes us in the changing fortunes of human history; at how such an enormously light-filled, airy cathedral as Amiens could convincingly suffuse us with susurrant thoughts and emotions of transcendence. |
我们惊叹于云门转变我们相对于芝加哥市容的自我感受,惊叹于MAS以戏剧手法让我们体会到世事变迁,惊叹于像亚眠这样非常敞亮透风的大教堂竟能让人产生遐想和超脱感。 |
101181 |
We may also observe that the art of rockery arrangement emphasized proper foils to show off shapes and contours in contrast to the surrounding structures and natural scenery. |
我们也可以注意到,布石艺术强调适当的陪衬才能展现出外形和线条,以便于跟周围的建筑和天然景色作对照。 |
101182 |
We may be getting to the point where we are already attempting to do the inherently impossible or at least the inherently unprofitable. |
过不多久我们就会发现,我们正在勉强做那些根本不可能办到的事,或原本就无利可图的事。 |
101183 |
We may be nearer or further away from God on account of what is represented on the walls or the ceilings. |
墙壁或天花板上描绘了什么可能直接关涉到我们距离上帝的远近。 |
101184 |
We may bemoan the decline in public transport while we sit in our cars and poison the air; but meanwhile, urban air quality continues to decline, one in seven of our inner-city children suffers from asthma. |
当我们抱怨公共交通的衰弱时,我们可能正坐在汽车里任凭尾气毒害空气;与此同时,城市的空气质量正持续下降,市中心七分之一的儿童遭受着哮喘带来的痛苦。 |
101185 |
We may censor ourselves before others have the chance to do so. |
我们会赶在别人之前先自我审查一番。 |