ID 原文 译文
101146 We know that standing on a vertical axis perpendicular to a flat plane will hold us steady, and that if we compare our relatively unencumbered heads "up there" to the load-bearing, spreading feet "down there," we will feel in our bodies the compressive forces of gravity moving downward. 我们知道,与地面呈90度角站立可以保持身体平衡;还知道,当拿"处在上位"相对没有负担的脑袋与我们"处在下位"承受重负、摆成八字的双脚比较的时候,就会在身体里感觉到重力在向下拉扯我们。
101147 We know that the degree of control a child feels he has over his home environment is inversely related to the number of people per square foot who live there, and a diminished sense of control compromises a child's sense of safety and autonomy, of agency and efficiency, and hence likely of motivation. 我们知道,居家环境人口密度与儿童居家环境控制感呈负相关,而较低的控制感会导致较低的安全感、自主感、力量感、效能感,进而可能导致较弱的上进心。
101148 We know that the human body, seen allocentrically, simply constitutes one object among many objects-animal, vegetable, and mineral. 我们知道,从异我中心视角来看,人体不过是动物、蔬菜、矿物等许多物体中的一种物体。
101149 We know that they did, because Machu Picchu is the evidence. NARRATOR (V/O): 我们只知道他们做到了,因为马丘比丘就是证据。
101150 We know that when infants or people suffering from mental illness are exposed to red light, anger and anxiety are heightened. 我们知道,婴儿或有心理疾病的人照射到红光,会更加愤怒、焦虑。
101151 We know very little about self-development. 关于自我发展,我们所知的还很有限。
101152 We know virtually nothing about poor Lightfoot, except that he got fired. 我们对可怜的莱特福特几乎一无所知,只知道他被解雇了。
101153 We know what needs to be done. We must act on our knowledge. 我们必须根据我们的知识行动。
101154 We know what the houses and palaces looked like... 我们之所以能知道这些房屋和宫殿的样子…
101155 We know what to do with hypotheses - one does not argue them; one tests them. 我们都知道:假设是不必辩论的,却必须经得起验证。