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101136 We know now, for instance, that both the northeastern power failure and the thalidomide tragedy were only the first occurrences of what, under conditions of modern power technology or of modern pharmacology, are likely to become fairly frequent malfunctions unless generic solutions are found. 以上文所举两例来说:美国东北部地区的停电和沙立度胺引致婴儿畸形,直到今天我们才判定其均为“经常事件”之首次出现。我们已具备现代化电力技术和医学知识,如果能寻求“经常性的解决方法”,这种停电事件和畸形婴儿的悲剧,应是不至于一再发生的。
101137 We know perfectly well that to inhabit a shell we must be alone. 我们很清楚,必须独自一人才能居住在贝壳里。
101138 We know that La Serenissima painted one thing, and did another. 我们知道这片"至宁国土"画的是一回事,干的却是另一回事。
101139 We know that Stonehenge was one of the earliest of the so-called 'formative' henges, and the ditch does show clear links with causewayed enclosures, which we know in many cases were never 'constructed' in a single event at all, but came into existence more gradually as different families or communal groups set to work digging their individual ditch segments. 我们已经知道,巨石阵属于最早的“形成期”木石圈之一,其沟渠也显现出与堤道围场明显的关联,它绝非一次性完成,而是由不同家族或往来群体分别挖掘一个属于自己的段落,其后才逐渐形成。
101140 We know that Venice, whatever Veronese implied, repeatedly absconded from the virtues trumpeted by the maidens on the Sala del Collegio's ceiling. 我们明知不管韦罗内塞是如何表现的,威尼斯实际上在不断地逃避总督宫议政厅天花板上的那些少女鼓吹的诸多美德。
101141 We know that our perceptions and determinations to act do not happen entirely sequentially but instead are more intermeshed. 我们知道,我们的知觉和行动决定并不是完全相继发生的,而是偏向互相交织地发生。
101142 We know that people's ability to concentrate with focused effort when they need to is a critical faculty that facilitates so much of our ability to think clearly and effectively. 我们知道,在需要时能够集中注意力,对清晰有效地思考有关键的促进作用。我们还知道,注意力非常容易耗尽。
101143 We know that positive emotions prolong life and improve its quality. 众所周知,积极情绪可以延长寿命、提高生活质量。
101144 We know that prior to 3500 BC, sites like causewayed enclosures were visited by people who lived there for a few days or weeks on special occasions. 我们知道在公元前3500年前,人们会在一些特殊的日子去堤道围场这样的地方待上几天或是几周。
101145 We know that she trafficked in slaves, ignored her poor, dissipated her resources and exacted immoderate revenge on her enemies. 我们知道她买卖奴隶,罔顾贫民,挥霍资源而且残酷报复敌人。