ID 原文 译文
101116 We hold the opinion of our own. 我们坚持我们的意见.
101117 We honour these works for revealing to us who we are, rather than who we would like to be. 我们推崇它们是因为它们向我们揭示了我们是谁,而非我们希望是谁。
101118 We hope in this way we could display the art treasure which, focusing the intelligence and wisdom of the ancients, has witnessed Beijing's rise and fall during a thousand years of development. 我们希望用这种方式永远地记录下这些承载着悠悠千年北京历史、见证着北京兴替、凝结着古人聪明才智的艺术瑰宝。
101119 We hope it will be possible to extend the same kind of study to the whole line of Ming Great Wall. 我们希望把同样的研究扩展到明长城全线。
101120 We hope to benefit from a promotional gesture and obtain high-quality stone imitation rendering for the facades at the same price as white-washed rendering." 我们希望能得到您的首肯和奖励,从而购买跟白灰饰面同样高质量的仿石饰面。”
101121 We humans also respond well to conducted heat-the-cat-like pleasure that comes from the warmth of a hot water bottle or just cuddling up to another person. 我们对传导热反应良好,给人一种好像抱着热水瓶或依偎在别人怀中而得到像猫似的愉快感觉。
101122 We identify geons using their edge configurations-straight or curved, parallel or intersecting. 我们识别基元,利用的是基元的轮廓线特征--笔直的还是弯曲的,平行的还是相交的。
101123 We imbibe such metaphors out of our experiences of living in the kinds of bodies humans have, in environments both natural and constructed. 诸如此类的隐喻,是我们根据生活体验建构的,这里的生活指活在我们的身体里,而我们的身体既处在自然环境中,又处在建成环境里。
101124 We in our body, along with the whole of Chicago's visible skyline, become peripersonal space: a three-dimensional world pulsating with potential actions, activating our imaginations, provoking an unfamiliar whorl of cognitions. 处于我们身体的我们,连同芝加哥整条可见的天际线,成为近体空间:一个活力满满、激发想象、引起各种陌生认知的三维世界。
101125 We in the West are used to abstracted designs on decorative columns; at this time in the East they were groundbreaking. 在西方,当我们对柱子上抽象的装饰性设计习以为常的时候,在东方它们才刚刚兴起。