ID 原文 译文
101016 We have a day of rest on Sunday every week. WEATHER AND ENAVIRONMENT 我们每周星期日休息。
101017 We have a nap(interval) after lunch in hot season。 "热天午餐后,我们有一个午睡(中休)时间。"
101018 We have all driven on highways without realizing their enormousness. This house awakens us to the scale of our transportation infrastructure. 我们都曾在高速公路上开车,却没有意识到公路的规模之大,而这座建筑,便唤起了我们对交通设施的规模的感知。
101019 We have all kinds of construction machinery on the job site. 我们有各种施工机械在现场.
101020 We have already discussed radiocarbon dates from the Stonehenge ditch that suggest it was probably initially dug well before 2900 BC. 我们已经探讨过,用巨石阵沟渠内提取的样本做放射性碳测年,结果显示沟渠很有可能在公元前2900年前开始挖掘。
101021 We have already seen initial personal reactions abroad to the possible demolition of the house, an act that would be viewed as incomprehensibl". 我们已经看到了海外对这栋房屋可能发生毁坏的反应,他们无法理解这种行为。”
101022 We have also seen how a band of deep subsoil grooves, just outside the entranceway, follow precisely the same alignment. That alignment must have been significant when the ditch was first laid out, sometime around, or just before 3300 BC. 入口外一组很深的底土细槽也沿着相同的方向,这种布局在沟渠刚刚开挖的时候(公元前3300年左右,甚至更早)就已经十分重要了。
101023 We have always worked together - editing books, planning exhibitions, campaigning, getting involved in charitable and community causes - and I count the day a disaster if I don't speak with her at least six times. 我们一直在一起工作--编辑书籍、策划展览、开展社会活动、参与慈善和社区活动--如果我哪一天没跟她说上至少六次话,那天一定是场灾难。
101024 We have an average height just below six foot, we still walk and talk and sit in the same way. 我们的平均身高已经接近六英尺,但我们仍然以与过去同样的方式走路和说话。
101025 We have an emergency-standby electric generator with a capacity of kilowatts. 我们有一台三百千瓦的事故备用发电机.